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Which one is better to learn first ??

Posted: Sun Mar 18, 2012 2:09 pm
by atul9806
Hi friends...
I dont know where this question should lie so posting here..
I am new to DataStage as a developer, I just stuck between server job and parallel, so just need your comment about to select a job for learning ?? Which one is better for learning first .. Server job or Parallel ???

As in my project 80% jobs are parallel so I think Parallel is better to learn first ... please comment.

One more question :
What is the difference between DS server edition and Enterprise edition ??

Atul Singh

Posted: Sun Mar 18, 2012 7:00 pm
by vmcburney
I would learn Parallel jobs and not worry about Server jobs unless you have to. Server jobs are the legacy format and were the first version of DataStage job created. You will see a number of Server Jobs at older customer sites and this will decline as newer customers tend to go with parallel jobs for faster processing of high volumes. The DataStage WorkGroup Edition which is a lot cheaper and for smaller scale data integration only comes with Parallel Jobs.

You could have an environment where large volumes are on Parallel Jobs and small volumes are processed by Server jobs but most customers I have worked for prefer to standardise on one type of job.

Posted: Sun Mar 18, 2012 9:25 pm
by atul9806
Hi vmcburney
thanks for your comment and views on the jobs.
Now I am little bit fine with my learning aim :-)

Atul Singh