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Problem Deleting Job

Posted: Wed Mar 07, 2012 6:53 am
by JPalatianos
We had one of our developers delete jobs and when I import jobs from a backup it indicates that one of teh jobs is still present. I do not see it in designer but see it in Director and it has been moved to the root folder of the project. How can I remove or clean this up?
Thanks - - John

Posted: Wed Mar 07, 2012 7:40 am
by JPalatianos
I ran DS.REINDEX ALL on the project thinking that may help and now face:
The same issue where it says the job still exists while trying to reimpot and the new issue.....In Director under the "STATUS" view I see no folders only the root folder for this project "CFF" with nothing underneath.

Is this something I can repair or will I be forced to delete and recreate teh project?
Thanks - - John

Posted: Wed Mar 07, 2012 7:45 am
by chulett
That's what happens when you REINDEX with active connections / processes in the project. You need to rerun it but ensure that nothing (other than you) is 'connected' to it - if you have to bounce DataStage to do that, do that and then make sure you REINDEX before anyone gets back on.

Posted: Wed Mar 07, 2012 8:06 am
by JPalatianos
Thanks Craig! I did what you suggested and it brought me back to my original scenario:
There is still a job that I see in Director and is not available in designer. In director it shows up on the root dirctry of the project. When I right click on the job in Director I get:
Job CFF_01_DELETE_DATA has not yet been compiled successfully. Is there any way to delete this job, so I can reimport form a dsx backup?

Thanks - - John

Posted: Wed Mar 07, 2012 8:10 am
by chulett
Typically, from what I've seen here in the 8.x releases, that indicates an 'out of sync' condition between the legacy repository and XMETA. To resolve that you need to contact your official support advisor and get their help cleaning up whatever needs cleaning to get things back how they belong.

Posted: Wed Mar 07, 2012 8:13 am
by chulett
Something else you might investigate - get the internal job number for that job name by querying that from DS_JOBS and then see if any structutes exist under the project directory for that job number.

Posted: Wed Mar 07, 2012 7:08 pm
by qt_ky
There are some command line tools to check / re-sync projects. See the DataStage Programmer's Guide (PDF that should be on your client).

Posted: Wed Mar 07, 2012 7:12 pm
by chulett
There are? That's good to know... off to check. :wink:

Posted: Wed Mar 07, 2012 7:31 pm
by JPalatianos
Thanks..I ended up opening a PMR with IBM and they suggested the same as you Craig:
1. Login to DataStage Administrator.
2. Click on the Projects tab and select the Project the job is located in.
3. Click on the Command button.
4. In the Command box type the command and then Execute it.
5. LIST DS_JOBS WITH @ID = CFF_01_DELETE_DATA --> NOTE: jobname is case sensitive

Now go to the server and delete the job files in the project folder if present.
Telnet to your IS Server and then cd to $DSHOME.
Then source the dsenv (run command '. ./dsenv')
Then log to UV, run the command 'bin/uvsh'
Run the command 'LOGTO %ur-project%
With the job you found see if the job is present, LIST VOC WITH @ID LIKE ...371 <-- your number will be different.

If several records are present run the delete command on each using the following syntax; DELETE.FILE DATA RT_CONFIG371 <-- your number will be different.
Now run the DS.REINDEX ALL

That did not work and they then supplied me with a DstageWrapper utility they have to clean up Xmeta. There was an issue in running the tool and I am waiting for them to get back to me on a fix.

Eric, I was not able to locate the PDF you mentioned, does it go by another name? I will keep looking though.

Thanks - - John

Posted: Wed Mar 07, 2012 8:24 pm
by qt_ky
IBM InfoSphere Information Server product documentation - all 8.x versions: ... 03&rs=2321

8.5 Programmer's Guide web link:

You can also check locally: Start / Programs / IBM I.I.S. folder / Documentation.

See section: Commands for checking and repairing projects.

The SyncProject command can detect and attempt to repair many types of inconsistencies including corrupted files.