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SMTPMail Unknown failure

Posted: Tue Feb 21, 2012 10:41 pm
by Developer9
Hi Everyone,

I am getting the same error as here but I am not sure whether we can post in the much older topic :?

Code: Select all

Here the client and server machine's are the same..Windows 2003

*** Output from command was: ***
SMTPMail Looking up server...
SMTPMail Opening connection to server-name..
SMTPMail Unknown failure!
SMTPMail Error in trying to connect
SMTPMail Network error 10061

Please check any paths in the following command file are correct, and if necessary adjust the 'dssendmail_template.txt' file in the project directory.

Arguments passed:

I guess the problem is with ..SMTP mail server name: windows server name :?:

Please give me your input here

Thank you

Posted: Wed Feb 22, 2012 8:01 am
by chulett
Still best to start your own topic, so... splitted.

Googling for your error turned this and similar things up, it does seem like you haven't properly specified the SMTP server. Check with your Admin what it should be.

Posted: Wed Feb 22, 2012 9:35 am
by Developer9

Thanks for the reply

The given SMTP Server name the location where "DS server "installed But I am not sure SMTP work's this way ..i.e local connection to the Server

Unfortunately ,I am only the admin because its on my work station (personal computer) :)