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XML output duplicate constraint

Posted: Wed Jan 11, 2012 4:06 am
by Elisabete
Hello to all,
I'm trying to generate an XML output but I have some problems with that. When I execute the process I have this result:

<InvoiceNo>000000041844 8/9903</InvoiceNo>
<CustomerID>Consumidor final</CustomerID>
<Description>CATERING O/G</Description>

I have two lineNumber in the same Line (element), but I only want one... this is happens because the others values are the same.

But when I made change like partitionating by ordered I carrect the previews issues but now I have this issue:

ERROR: Element '{urn:OECD:StandardAuditFile-Tax:PT_1.01_01}Invoice': Duplicate key-sequence ['000000041844 8/9903'] in unique identity-constraint '{urn:OECD:StandardAuditFile-Tax:PT_1.01_01}InvoiceNoConstraint'.

and this result:

<InvoiceNo>000000041844 8/9903</InvoiceNo>
<CustomerID>Consumidor final</CustomerID>
<Description>CATERING O/G</Description>
<InvoiceNo>000000041844 8/9903</InvoiceNo>

I have two invoices with the same number, but I only want one.

Anyone can Help on this?
Thank you,

Re: XML output duplicate constraint

Posted: Wed Jan 11, 2012 5:17 am
by bicap
Mark a key column which is unique..


Posted: Wed Jan 11, 2012 7:54 am
by chulett
Elisabete, you posted this question in multiple forums, a practice frowned upon here. I've deleted the duplicate posts, we'll use this one going forward.