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using text messages like a web service

Posted: Mon Dec 19, 2011 3:31 pm
by qt_ky
Is anyone using Information Server like a request/response web service to:
  • accept text messages from mobile devices such as smart phones or even old cell phones
    and return a custom text message based on the text received (like a lookup)
Assume it's on publicly available data that anyone can text a request to and get a response. Response could be customized, like how stores can send more detailed product info based on product number.

Would it require any additional phone company software on the Information Server for accepting texts to a special phone number or can it all be done via email?

What's the business term for doing this (to google for more info)?

Posted: Mon Dec 19, 2011 10:21 pm
by Kirtikumar
I may be wrong, but something like below might work.

The message receiving service needs to call a DS WebService (RTI) job and send these jobs this message. In the DS job using ETL which could do lookups, extract data etc. This extracted data can be sent to calling job and it can be forwarded to mobile. Something like below.

Mobile sends Text --> Message gateway --> Java/Other WebService Interface --> DS WebService (RTI) --> DS job --> DS WebService (RTI) --> Java/Other WebService --> Message Gateway --> Mobile from where we got the message.

Posted: Tue Dec 20, 2011 6:25 pm
by qt_ky
That is probably how it works. I am thinking, who to contact to get a message gateway? Is it freeware or does it come from a mobile phone company? I've looked through lists of SMS gateways where each mobile provider provides a domain name anyone can email to. For example, to email a Verizon customer so they get it as a text message, you can email to That's not what I'm looking to do though. I want to find out how to get a number that anyone can text to, no matter what service they're on, hook that to Information Server, where the data is, and send the custom response back so that they get a text reply as fast as possible.

Posted: Tue Dec 20, 2011 9:35 pm
by qt_ky
I found a web site that explains a lot of the terminology that I was looking to understand better:

I would still be interested to know if anyone out there is already providing custom interactive text message / SMS services like this using Information Server, and how connectivity is done: special software or web services, etc.


Posted: Wed Dec 21, 2011 12:58 am
by Kirtikumar
We have done outbound messages to the list of numbers, but not the way you have mentioned. Probably you need to talk to someone from TeleCom domain to see what and how the Message gateway can be implemented.

Keep us posted if you are able to find out more details about the same.