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Passing Job name to multiple instance sequencer

Posted: Thu Nov 03, 2011 3:25 am
by Harini
Hello All,

I have a master sequence, which runs a 'multiple instance sequencer' around ten times. This multiple instance sequencer, has a sequence of job activities. In that, one job activity is calling a parallel job. I want to parametrize the parallel job name.

Code: Select all

sequencer cond  -> multiple instance seq->  sequencer cond
                        -> multiple instance seq -> 
                        -> multiple instance seq ->

*multiple instance seq = here i want to send the job name, one of the job activities inside this sequencer will use.

I searched the forum, and i tried replacing my 'job activity' with the utilityrunjob routine. Here I am trying to pass the name of the parameterset, and the respective 'values' for that job. And the routine is not accepting it.

I gave something like this in Arg2.

ParameterSet1 = Valueset1|ParameterSet2=Valueset2|ParameterSet3= ValueSet3

Anything wrong with this? Will routines work if i call it in a multiple instance sequencer?


Posted: Thu Nov 03, 2011 5:42 am
Make sure there are no blanks in your parameter list.

"ParameterSet1 = Valueset1" will lead to ParameterSet1 being set to
" Valueset1" which is not likely to be present on your system.
Error-message: Unable to load value file Valueset1 for parameter set Valueset1.

Posted: Thu Nov 03, 2011 6:03 am
by Harini
Thanks for your reply. But i am not giving any quotes in the parameter list and also removing the spaces.

Actually, i am passing these values when i call the 'multiple instance sequencer' itself. I am giving the name of the job, and the other parameters that the job require. Inside the multiple instance seq, i am not sure how to map it again in the routine activity :?

When i give the first parameter set and the value set for it, the syntax seems fine, the moment i add a 'pipe' delimiter and append other parameter sets, the stage itself shows syntax error. :cry:

Posted: Thu Nov 03, 2011 6:51 am
The input to Arg2 of Routine UtilityRunJob is of type String.

Put the complete parameter-string in double-quotes.

Posted: Thu Nov 03, 2011 10:09 pm
by Harini
Thanks Ronald. It solved the problem. I also had to edit the routine to take the parameters without quotes.