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unable to import a job in v8.1

Posted: Tue May 31, 2011 11:01 pm
by Sgiri1

We had this situation in a project datstage project mounted on a AIX server. There were many backup jobs running on the server and increased the server utility. One of the developers was trying to delete a job, and the activity never complted so she has shut down the session abruptly.

When we reopened dataStage project we could not find that job. We tried importing the same job with a dsx copy from other environment. On importing the we had a dialog box reading 'A job named 'xxx'already exist in the project' on clicking OK there was another dialog box saying 'No objects found for import!' and the import failed.

There was no session id logged against the user in the web console, and hence i could not kill any session to retrirve this job.

I believe there is a hidden lock on this job and am not sure how to unlock it


Posted: Tue May 31, 2011 11:08 pm
by chulett
Sounds more like it was partially deleted and/or deleted from one repository but not the other - Universe v. XMETA. Time to call in support, I would think.

Never a good idea to shut down a session like that.