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Server Routine

Posted: Mon Apr 25, 2011 10:48 pm
by harikumar

In the existing sequencer error notification e-mail setuped the same for both aborts and data error .so I am getting same mail for both aborts and errors.

Now I want to modify the existing code for getting different mails for abort and errors.

like when ever job got aborted at that time i want to send mail with the subject Jobaborted as well as when ever job failed by some errors at that time i want send mail job failed by errors.

The sequencer designed by 2 jobactivitys , 1 Errorhandling and 1 Routineactivity.

In the sequencer the data flow like this

In the 2 jobactivitys any errors or warnings and job Aborted those messages passing to Error handling activity and finally those messages are passing to Routine activity from Error handling.

Please advice me for the same.

Posted: Mon Apr 25, 2011 11:55 pm
by ray.wurlod
Your actual question is not clear. You have posted the code for the supplied routine UtilityWarningToLog. What (precisely) do you wish to accomplish, and under what circumstances? Do you expect this routine magically to do that for you?