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extract parameters

Posted: Thu Apr 21, 2011 11:08 am
by hitmanthesilentassasin

We struggle a lot when we try to run the jobs the job would hold a set of parameters and in the parameter sets there would be different parameters. and the jobs would abort due to this. as a fix we compile the job and get it running which resolves the issue. However, we would want to correct identify the issue before this happens. Could you please suggest a way to do it? there are hundreds jobs that needs this verification and the issue arises when we try to run the jobs using a sequencer.

Thanks for your help in advance!!

Posted: Thu Apr 21, 2011 1:08 pm
by jyothisdasms

Did you change any values in parameter set?

If you are changing anything in parameter sets,it will get reflected in the jobs only after the compilation of jobs.You can use the multicompiling option,if this is the scenario.

Posted: Thu Apr 21, 2011 2:35 pm
by hitmanthesilentassasin
Thanks for the reply!!

its not about compiling one job or multiple compilation of jobs. Since, we have lots and lots of jobs to verify if there is a parameter change affected in that or not so I am looking for an easier way to find out if all the required parameter definitions are present in all the jobs or not. below is the demonstration of what I am trying to get.

Step1: Sequencer(parm1, parm2, parm3)
Step2: Inner sequencer(called by step1 sequencer)(parm1, parm2)
Step3: Job1, job2...................Job5000.(parm1)

in the above illustration step1 sequencer has been compiled with 3 parameters in it while the step 2 has been compiled with 2 and step3 has been compiled with 1.

so, when we try to run the job the step 1 runs fine but step2 fails. I would want to Identify a quick way to find the discripency before we try the runl of step 1.

re-compiling all the jobs would be ruled out as the time taken would be very long.

verifying jobs manually would also take very long time and stand the possibility of human error.

Posted: Thu Apr 21, 2011 4:00 pm
by kduke
There is an API to pull all the parameters from a job. You can also do it with a dsjob command. You can then see if a parameter has a default. If you don't set a parameter and it has a default then it will still run.

I posted a set of dictionary items to list jobs in a sequence. Search for those. Search for JobAct. There are some dictionary items to list the parameter values being sent. If they are not posted then let me know I will post them. This will at least let you know what you need to go fix.