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Sechduling job through autosys on every Tuesday

Posted: Sun Mar 06, 2011 4:58 pm
by vasam
Hi All,

I have a scenario like i want to schedule my autosys jobs every Tuesday of week and 29 th june ..If 29th of june comes on Tuesday, i want to run my job only one time.How can i schedule my jobs through autosys?

Thanks in Advance

Posted: Sun Mar 06, 2011 5:54 pm
by chulett
That sounds like a question for your AutoSys people.

Regardless of the scheduling mechanism, one option is to run the scheduled job every day and then check if it is Tuesday or June 29th. The 'trick' is to schedule a Sequence job that does the check and then only runs the actual processing job if the condition is true. Saves all that futzing around with the scheduler itself.

Posted: Sun Mar 06, 2011 8:33 pm
by swapnilverma
Use days_of_week option TUE
Start time :- what ever time you want.

It will run on every Tuesday and you dont have to worry abt leap year ..

pzl revert if you need any other info ?

Posted: Mon Mar 07, 2011 4:51 am
by PaulVL
OK so the math is Every Tuesday you want to run the job and you also want to run the job on June 29th. If June 29th also falls on a Tuesday, do not run the job a second time.

I would set up two events. The "Every Tuesday" should be simple.
The June 29th would have the special conditional logic in it. I would not do that logic in the DataStage job itself.

Most likely you are triggering an external script to trigger your flow. Are you also supplying it with parameters?

If so... then have an extra parameter to designate the special 29th run. And have the logic to disregard the run should it be a run on a Tuesday.

Of course, if you are using the built in job scheduler within DataStage... that would make it harder.