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istool usage for exporting adhoc jobs

Posted: Wed Feb 23, 2011 4:49 am
by vam
I am trying to write a script which will export the ds objects along with there dependencies in isx forrmat.The script reads from a text file and get the job names and exports it..But I am running into an issue here..
here is the script synatx i am using..
%ISTOOL_PATH%\istool export -domain XXXX:9080 -u XXXX -p XXXX -ar test51.isx -updatearchive -ds '-base="XXXX/XXXX" "Jobs/%%i.*" -incdep -incexec '
How do I mention the path here (For "Jobs/%%i.*" in the script)if the jobs are located in different folders and subfolders?

Note: I am able to run this script sucessfully if I specify any job/jobs under Jobs/* but is failing if it is under job/*/* etc..How can I make the folder directory as a wild character for any folder structure?

Any suggestions..!

Posted: Wed Feb 23, 2011 8:01 am
by chulett
I don't have any way to test this, but going on the way things used to work and assuming they still work the same - all you should need to specify is the job's name since that must be unique per project. I can't imagine you're also required to mention where it lives.