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Configuration for CDC for Datastage

Posted: Mon Feb 14, 2011 10:31 pm
by grasshopper
Hello All,

I am recently trying to use CDC for Datastage to stitch these two application but I am stuck and cant go further anymore. I am able to create the subscription between the Source AS400 table and Datastage where I have installed the CDC for Datastate. If I use flat file option I can also dump data from AS400 table to flat file w/o any issues. I need to configure table to table mapping. When I use direct connection option, it maps the table with error but as per the message it shows tables have been mapped.
Error while mapping table: --
Updating the tables available for replication...
Loading users...
Loading source tables...
Adding tables to the subscription...
Notifying target of changes to the subscription...
Reloading table mappings...
Mapping source table
[ERROR] An error has occurred while setting the replication method for TableName [RA MSG 2022 Error occurred during journal validation and processing. Please see previous messages for detail]. For more information, see error messages in the Event Log view.
Table mappings complete.

When I right click on the subscription to add datastage properties, that time i dont see the Direct Connect section on that page to enter the datastage project name and connection key. I can move any further from this. If export/import job def in Datastage, the imported object comes as unknown object.

Any help is appreciated. thank you in advance...

Posted: Wed Feb 16, 2011 10:25 am
by cppwiz
I couldn't get the direct connect option to work either so I opened a PMR with IBM support and here is their response to me:
I am following up on this PMR regarding configuration of CDC with datastage. As mentioned earliar in our replies that most of our customers are using CDC datastage through flat files so that those jobs can be consumed easily by IBM Datastage. In order to use direct connect you must install IBM Datastage component called direct connect which must be installed directly on IBM Datastage. That component was original created with limited support hence thats why majority of our customers are using flat files to generate target information which IBM Datastage can consume.

Do you have a certain business need to address via direct connect or can flat file replication will do the job for you? Direct connect support will be enhanced and stable in newer version of CDC. Hence as recommendation I am requesting you strongly to switch to flat files mapping instead of direct connect to get replication started right away.

Posted: Thu Feb 17, 2011 2:23 am
by grasshopper
Thanks a lot cppwiz. I appreciate this. :) That was surely a great help for me to move forward.

Thanks again..