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No bmp when generating report from command line

Posted: Mon Dec 13, 2010 10:57 pm
by Gazelle
I am trying to generate the html reports for each job in a project (thanks kduke for the basic script -- very helpful).

The problem is that the html file is created, but no bmp file.

The command that is executed from Windows:

Code: Select all

C:\IBM\InformationServer\Clients\Classic\dsdesign.exe /H=rsadat522 /U=dsadm /P=xxxxxx Projtst A_Job_Test1 /R /RP="Z:\30 Data Transform\DailyBackups\Html_20101214_144823"
The Designer Client Guide, and other DSXchange forum posts, suggests that the /R switch should result in the both the html and a jobnumber.bmp file.
I have tried moving the /R switch before the project name, but still no bmp.

Can anyone see what's missing in the command (perhaps something new to v8.1), or provide some leads into what else to try?

Posted: Tue Dec 14, 2010 8:30 am
by FranklinE
I have found in 7x that a generated report from Designer will fail to produce the bmp if the path for the location of the two files is too long. I don't know if that is relevant to your problem, but I'd like to see further discussion of the details. Thanks for making your post.

Posted: Tue Dec 14, 2010 4:19 pm
by Gazelle
FranklinE, you're brilliant!

That was the problem.
In my post, I truncated the pathname to make it a bit more readable.
Note to self: post the full command in future

The full command was:

Code: Select all

C:\IBM\InformationServer\Clients\Classic\dsdesign.exe /H=rsadat522 /U=dsadm
/P=xxxxxxx /R Projtst A_Job_Test1 /RP="Z:\40 Stage - Build\40.30 Data
 Conversion\40.30.30 Data Transform\DataStage\DailyBackups\BackUps\Html_20101214_143823"
I tried changing the pathname to "C:\TEMP", and it worked.
Thanks for the tip.

Posted: Wed Dec 15, 2010 8:35 am
by FranklinE
You're most welcome, Gazelle. I'm an old DOS dog from the bad (ahem, I say good) old days of character-based "graphics" and 8-bit limitations. Windows and WYSIWYG has made us lazy, and this is not the first time I've encountered this sort of problem.

My only claim to "brilliant" is what I've learned from the even-older dogs: Never hesitate to pull the cover off and look at the innards. You may not understand all of it, but at least you can see what it's doing. :wink: