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Restartability of the sequences

Posted: Fri Nov 26, 2010 3:10 am
by srai
Hi Team,

We are strugling with restartability of the sequences.

My job structure is like-
There is Master Sequence which is calling the nine sequences in parallel.
We have set like if all the inner sequence abort then only abort the Master sequence else continue triggering other inner sequence.

We have checked the option "Add check point so sequence is restartable on failure" in Master Sequence as well as in all the inner sequences.
Let suppose if Sequence 5 and Sequece 7 abort, we want when we trigger job next time after fixes it should triiger only sequence 5 and sequence 7.
But in our case Master job sequece is triggering all the jobs again.

Job design is like

Master Sequence -------> Inner Seuences
(Add check enabled) (9 inner sequeces running paralle)
( Add check point enable)
Please advice us on this.

Thanks in advance.


Posted: Fri Nov 26, 2010 3:51 am
by gssr
Add a function to create a <jobname>.finish file, once the job is finished successfully.
Every time , when you are restarting a job check for the existence of the finish file. If yes, then skip the job else run it. You can create a UNIX script to solve this problem.

Posted: Fri Nov 26, 2010 7:37 am
by chulett
No need. Sequences must abort to restart properly and that includes your Master so make sure the master aborts whenever a child sequence aborts. You should be able to use "OK" triggers to accomplish that along with the "Automatically handle" compilation option, that or explicit use of the Terminator stage.

Posted: Mon Nov 29, 2010 3:40 am
by srai
Thanks a lot.