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Cascading meta data changes

Posted: Mon Aug 23, 2010 12:49 am
by muralisankarr
Hi All,

Need a suggestion on making the meta data changes to the code. The site is a data migration project and we had a new version of the target. Some of the fields in the target application has changed and in all case the length is increased. For example the manufacture code is increased from varchar2 ( 8 ) to varchar2 ( 16 ). At present we are importing the table definitions through OSH and manually changing the metadata on the stages! Is there any better way to do it. Tools like informatica has propagate data type changes option which makes the life easier. Please advise. Other than developing a text processing script over dsx/xml to change the data type do we have any other way to achieve this. Please advise or share your thoughts

Many Thanks

Posted: Mon Aug 23, 2010 7:33 pm
by vmcburney
DataStage and Metadata Workbench are very good for searching and finding where the columns get used but not so good in search/replace/propagate changes through. Search and replace on export files may be a quicker way to go.

Posted: Tue Aug 24, 2010 9:41 am
by vivekgadwal
I agree with Vincent. When I had to do this, I implemented the change to the .dsx file of the jobs and re-imported them. It kind of sucks that the table definitions and the jobs are loosely tied in a way, but there must be some good explanation as to why they decided to do that. :)