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DSLogFatal using in a sequencer

Posted: Fri Aug 13, 2010 5:23 am
by lindatgeorge

I have a sequencer (s1) calling the job activity J1.

If the job J1 fails it invokes another sequence SS2.

SS2 has a job to capture the error details for audit, and then a routine to fail the calling sequence S1

when the Sequencer S1 was run, J1 failed and SS2 was invoked. Then SS2 failed due after the routine execution. But the job name passed to the routine was S1. I wanted to make S1 fail.

the DS LogaFatal is used as below in the routine.

Call DSLogFatal('Abort Routine Called: ': AbortReason : ' (job stopped until resolved)',JobName)
Ans = 1

Please help me on this

Posted: Fri Aug 13, 2010 6:19 am
by ray.wurlod
You can't do it that way. DSLogFatal() only ever aborts the job from which it was invoked. Therefore you need to do something like detect the failure of S2 in S1 and react accordingly, or not fail S2 at all and detect the job failure in S1.