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Re: Parallel invocation of job and handling abort

Posted: Thu Aug 05, 2010 9:27 am
by Poovalingam
Thanks priyadarshikunal.

My question is simply, when we run some activities in parallel in a job seq (no routine activity), without using exception handler will the job run all the activities even if any of activity failed. I thought "Automatically handle activities that fails" would support this.

I will check it out. If it is not working, hope the below one from you will help me I think.
priyadarshikunal wrote: In case you want other jobs to complete use exception handler followed by terminator and in terminator properties set 'wait for other jobs to finish'.

Re: Parallel invocation of job and handling abort

Posted: Thu Aug 05, 2010 11:15 am
by kris007
Poovalingam wrote: In this case, If JA7 failed for some reason, Will my Job Seq wait until remaining JA gets complete? If so, Will it also wait for corresponding all Exec Command activity gets complete?Poovalingam
The Job Sequence will wait until all other jobs that are currently running and then it will abort. In your case, it will wait until other JA7 jobs finish running if they are in a running state. You can program your Job Sequence to abort the moment the first job aborts by using an Exception handler with its output link into a Terminator Stage.

Posted: Fri Aug 06, 2010 10:25 am
by kris007
The Execute Command stages start based upon the input trigger they have from the Job Activity Stage. Have you set this to "Unconditional"?
Hope the program will also invoke all exec command activities on corresponding success of their job activities even when JA7 failed at some point of time.
This depends on how you want the job to behave and how you have set the controls. If you want the Job Sequence to abort when JA1 aborts but at the same time want the Exec Command1 to finish before the Job Sequence aborts, you will have to handle that specifically by placing a terminator stage after the Execute Command 1 Stage. On the Trigger of the Execute Command 1 stage, you need to make sure you make reference to the JA1's job status so that the Terminator Activity aborts after the Execute Command 1.

Posted: Mon Aug 09, 2010 12:03 am
by Poovalingam
I have set "OK Conditional" between all JA and ExeCommand activities. It should be "Okay Conditional" according my requirement.