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Supported MQ version by DS 7.5.3 MQ stage?

Posted: Thu Jun 10, 2010 3:42 am
by MT

the MQ guys upgraded the MQ version installed on our AIX server from version 6 to version 7.
We are experiencing following connection errors:

Code: Select all

Failed to connect to queue manager.  Reason code 2102.
Any ideas?
Has anyone a running system with DS 7.5.3. and MQ 7?

Thanks in advance

Posted: Thu Jun 10, 2010 5:58 am
by eostic
Hmm. That's a new one. MQ sites say that it has something to do with a parameter called EXTSH (or similar). Haven't seen it, but a few of the MQ sites I was browsing seem to imply that it existed in prior releases....did they make any changes to the queue manager configuration?


Posted: Thu Jun 10, 2010 6:06 am
by MT
eostic wrote:Hmm. That's a new one. MQ sites say that it has something to do with a parameter called EXTSH (or similar). Haven't seen it, but a few of the MQ sites I was browsing seem to imply that it existed in prior releases....did they make any changes to the queue manager configuration?

Hi Ernie,

well through further investigations I found out that it could be a result of changing the LDR_CNTRL (which was done by IBM support) as well.
I have no idea why there is a lack of ressources when we increase the memory for DS but this could be the reason for the problem as well.

Has anyone ever used DS 7.5.3 with MQ 7 successfully in a server job?


kind regards