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Unable to start TPUMP Process, errno:2

Posted: Mon Jan 11, 2010 7:47 pm
by Jagan617
I have a CSV file as source and loading into Teradata empty table. Its direct loading. I have used TPUMP option in Mload stage. When I ran the job, its aborted stating "unable to start TPUMP process, errorno:2 system cannot find the file specified". But when we try to view the source file thru DataStage, we are able to view data thru designer. Can any one assist us in this. Current datastage version is 7.5.1A. Will TPUMP support this version if not from which version it will support.

Posted: Tue Jan 12, 2010 12:03 pm
by asorrell
Not that I have access to Teradata - but your problem isn't with your csv source file - TPUMP is complaining it can't access the Teradata table. I'd suggest checking your Teradata stage for issues.