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Failed to authenticate user : Port out of range: -1

Posted: Fri Dec 04, 2009 1:45 pm
by pneumalin
I am working on DataStage Mainframe components /OS390 server 8.1 installed in Windows 2003 Server. We have no problem for the first TWO clients to connect to the server, but we started to get the connect error as followings:
Failed to authenticate user from selected domain. Port out of range: -1

java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: port out of range:-1

We used port number 9080 in the server for client to connect, and we have checked the license file with 5 concurrent login, and we have ensured the 3rd client laptop having the same firewall setup with the first 2 laptops, and the problem still persists. I have opened a PMR with IBM on this, and thought someone may be able to shed some light on some other things to try.
Any advise is appreciated, and I shall update this topic once IBM comes back to me with insides.

Posted: Tue Dec 29, 2009 8:10 pm
by pneumalin
I opened a ticket with IBM for two weeks, but they cannot answer my questions. However, I found out the solution a while ago.
Simply add an entry to detail the Host name and IP address in your
C:\Windows\system32\driver\network\hosts of local machine. The problem will be solved. This is because our DataStage server is NOT managed by domain server, and it can only broadcast itself using its own computer name. Therefore all the client request have to specify the real IP address and host name by connection.

Posted: Thu Nov 11, 2010 2:49 am
by iHijazi
What you did is correct, obviously.

Had the same problem and I knew about this hosts file before and an entry should be added, and I did add one, but still faced the same problem.

Thing is the IS is installed on RH server, and the hostname was redhat_ds.localdomain

I only added redhat_ds and it gave me that error, randomly I put .localdomain, and it seems things got back to work again, and life is beautiful once again :)

Cheers and thanks for sharing this.

Worked for me as well

Posted: Wed Oct 12, 2011 9:12 am
by ds2000
Hi Guys thanks for your post. I did same as i added IP and HOST NAME in c:/windows/system32/network/etc/hosts file and my client started working. By the way where i can find the total # of licenses available