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ORA-24334: no descriptor for this position

Posted: Mon Sep 07, 2009 12:21 am
by prerana dixit
I m getting an error ORA-24334: no descriptor for this position while executing a query.When that query is run through SQL it runs fine but while used as source query in ODBC stage gives the above mentioned error.
The error code says : The application is trying to get a descriptor from a handle for an illegal position.
Action: Check the position number.

What is this position number and how to check?

The query is

SELECT/*+ full (s_jwsf_sales_ordr) parallel(s_jwsf_sales_ordr,4 */ --+ INDEX(C, PS_JWS_F584201T_0)
j_document_no, j_order_type_srccd, j_order_co, a.j_bus_unit_srccd,
j_customer_srccd, j_date_ordered, j_dt_sched_pick, j_dt_promised_ship,
j_date_actual_ship, j_date_cancelled, j_date_invoice, j_date_requested,
j_dt_orig_promised, j_gross_order_amt, j_extended_price,
j_extended_cost, j_freight, j_bas_gross_ordamt, j_bas_extend_price,
j_bas_extend_cost, j_bas_freight, j_hold_status,
TO_CHAR (j_dt_act_ship_dt, 'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'),
TO_CHAR (j_date_ordered_dt, 'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'),
j_order_status_id, j_fulfill_stat_id, j_base_currency, j_curr_factor,
j_ship_to_number, d.j_prod_line_srccd, j_ticket_number, --j_qtslsp,
nvl(J_OAADD1,' ') OAADD1, nvl(J_OAADD2, ' ') OAADD2
FROM ps_jwsf_sales_ordr a
left outer join PS_JWS_F584201T c on a.J_DOCUMENT_NO = c.J_QTDOCO and a.J_ORDER_TYPE_SRCCD = c.J_QTDCTO
left outer join PS_JWD_BUS_UNIT d on a.J_BUS_UNIT_SRCCD = d.J_BUS_UNIT_SRCCD
left outer join PS_JWS_F4006 e on a.J_DOCUMENT_NO = e.J_OADOCO and a.J_ORDER_TYPE_SRCCD = e.j_OADCTO and a.J_ORDER_CO = e.J_OAKCOO

Posted: Mon Sep 07, 2009 1:07 am
by laknar
May be ODBC Stage has Both Generated Query as well as User defined query.
Check and Correct.

Posted: Mon Sep 07, 2009 2:47 am
by keshav0307
how many columns you have in the output metadata, and how many columns in the query?

check the position in both are mapped correctly

Posted: Mon Sep 07, 2009 7:26 am
by chulett
This is one of the dangers of using your own sql. As noted, make sure the columns defined in the stage match exactly with the columns selected in the query.