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warning message about parameter array binding...

Posted: Thu Aug 27, 2009 12:24 pm
by davebert99
I did a search in these forums for "not compatible with parameter array binding" and found two hits. But I still have a couple of questions about this warning message.

I have several simple load jobs that just read a sequential file, do simple transformations and write to a table. I always use the "clear table then insert" option. The tables have no key columns. In the logs I always receive two warning messages at the start of each run.

Warning: "This update action 'DELETE FROM {tablename}' is not compatible with parameter array binding. Array Size property will be set to 1."

Warning: "The SQL statement will modify an entire table or view."

I tried changing my array size from the default 50 to 1, but I still receive the same messages and the job ran four times longer. So I changed it back to 50. DB2 always gives a warning message for a "delete from table" action. I often will do a "delete from table where 1=1" just to avoid the warning.

Anyone have any ideas on how I can avoid both warnings? I'd like my jobs to exit with "Job Finished OK", rather than "Job finished with warnings" - so I can tell a real problem/warning from the these benign ones.


Posted: Mon Aug 31, 2009 11:39 am
by arnabdey
Please try once with truncate table and insert rows. Actually this does not truncate your table, rather deletes it. So please give a try. Not sure though. Please keep array size as it is, ie 50.

Posted: Wed Sep 02, 2009 3:10 pm
by davebert99
"Truncate table" is not one my choices. The closest is the "Clear table then insert".
arnabdey wrote:Please try once with truncate table and insert rows. Actually this does not truncate your table, rather deletes it. So please give a try. Not sure though. Please keep array size as it is, ie 50.

Posted: Wed Sep 02, 2009 11:45 pm
by arnabdey
If you use "Truncate table and then insert rows" internally you will have delete not truncate.