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Questions on named batches in version control

Posted: Wed Jul 29, 2009 11:27 pm
by sbass1

Some questions on named batches in version control:

1) I created a named batch when I initialized from DEV --> VERSION. I've decided I don't like the name of the named batch. How do I rename it? The batch properties window has the name greyed out/protected. Why?

2) I'd like to use this named batch as a starting point for a new named batch VERSION --> UAT. It will contain all the objects from above, plus some unchanged objects already in VERSION. So how do I copy a named batch, creating "Copy of Named Batch"?

3A) (Not strictly a named batch question) If I have a job in version control that is obsolete, can I delete it from the version project? I've deleted both versions (i.e. 1_1 and 1_2), but the "top level" job name still remains. I'd prefer it not clutter up the version project.

3B) When I tried to delete the obsolete object above, I did not notice that I had other objects selected from a named batch. So it deleted those as well. Bummer. So I re-initialized that named batch from DEV. But is there a way to re-initialize "over" those items that were deleted? It looks like I can initialize to a specific version number, but is there a setting to "overwrite the latest version in the target object?"


Posted: Wed Jul 29, 2009 11:53 pm
by ray.wurlod
1. Batches are intended to be created in Director by operators who do not have the developer role. Therefore the dedicated name and the inability to change the same. You can copy the job control code into a new server job and call that whatever you like (provided your name does not begin with "Batch::").

2. You don't. See above.

3. Don't know/can't check - not using Version Control and don't have access to it.

Posted: Thu Jul 30, 2009 12:06 am
by chulett
OK... let me take a shot at this from memory. I've been using VC since before it was free and part of the product suite but I have to warn you I really never found a need to use the 'Named Batch' option so haven't played with it for quite some time.

1) There's no mechanism to rename it. All you can do is recreate it with you new, more better name AFAIK.

2) Again, no direct mechanism to do that. Sometimes you can select your batch so that all of the components are bolded and then add new selections to it and/or remove some from it and then use the end result to create a new batch. Or just do as in (1) above and create a new one.

3a) You can delete items from the VC project but they're just "logical" deletes as everything is stored in hashed files. So they show with a red "X" or you can set the option to not show them to you so they look like they're gone.

3b) No, there's no "overwrite" capability. While you can choose a specific major number, it always controls the minor number and will give you the next available minor for that major. Now, I guess you can "cheat" and use the Manager to import an newer edition of a particular version but I can't say how well that would work as I've never tried it (wondering if the change in internal job number would break things or not). If you look at what's actually stored in a VERSION project, you'll see one job for each version with the version number in the name and underscores between the important bits - you'd need to emulate that. Please sign and return the attached Hold Harmless Agreement before you attempt this, please. :wink:

Posted: Thu Jul 30, 2009 12:08 am
by chulett
Ray, 'Named Batches' are a specific ability in Version Control to group objects into logical named (rather than simply numbered and timestamped) groups and are completely unrelated to the 'Batch' jobs you are referring to.

Posted: Thu Jul 30, 2009 12:15 am
by ray.wurlod

It's been a long time...

Posted: Thu Jul 30, 2009 12:21 am
by sbass1
chulett wrote:3b) No, there's no "overwrite" capability. While you can choose a specific major number, it always controls the minor number and will give you the next available minor for that major. Now, I guess you can "cheat" and use the Manager to import an newer edition of a particular version but I can't say how well that would work as I've never tried it (wondering if the change in internal job number would break things or not). If you look at what's actually stored in a VERSION project, you'll see one job for each version with the version number in the name and underscores between the important bits - you'd need to emulate that. Please sign and return the attached Hold Harmless Agreement before you attempt this, please. :wink:
So if you accidentally delete an object(s), you're screwed - there's no way to (re)initialize it with that version number :(

I could swear I said "deselect all" before I attempted to delete that ONE obsolete object in the version project :? . So it deleted all the objects selected from my named batch, i.e. all the objects just promoted.

The reason it's an issue is we're maintaining a spreadsheet with version numbers of objects in DEV/TST/UAT as our "source control system" since the project comparison utility in v7.x is non-existent. So I just invalidated every entry in my spreadsheet.

Yeah, my mistake, but a more user-friendly version control application would be nice.

Then again, if we would just upgrade...
