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Posted: Mon Jun 29, 2009 5:24 am
by karthi_gana

I need to move PROD data into DEV & QA on every night. There are around 8 tables which i need to move.

Each of them have around 600000 records.

I used sybase OC to move data to DEV & QA.

I used 'clear table then insert rows' option, it is nothing but, 'Truncate and then insert' which will fill the transaction log. It also took around 1 hr to complete the execution.

So i have been asked to use sybase BCP stage. Since i am not aware of this stage, i got struck to use this.

I created the job as below.

sybase OC---> Tranformer --> sybase BCP
Prod server ---------------------> DEV server

when i execute the above job,

BCP..Sybase_BCP_Load_1: Unable to connect: SQL Server is unavailable or does not exist. Unable to connect: SQL Server does not exist or network access denied.

BCP..Sybase_BCP_Load_1: Login failed
Unable to connect: SQL Server is unavailable or does not exist. Unable to connect: SQL Server does not exist or network access denied.

i got the above error messages

Re: Sybase BULK COPY

Posted: Mon Jun 29, 2009 5:29 am
by karthi_gana
After i changed the client library from MSDBLIB to SYBDBLIB

i got the below error message.

BCP..Sybase_BCP_Load_1: Bulk copy failed. Client does not have the capability to bulk copy into the data-only locked table 'acs..Perf'.

Re: Sybase BULK COPY

Posted: Mon Jun 29, 2009 5:33 am
by karthi_gana
I changed it to SYBCTLIB. It is working fine now.

how to clear the table before running the job?

will it be done automatically?

or do we have to call any stored procedure internally?

Posted: Mon Jun 29, 2009 5:41 am
by chulett
I have no knowledge of this stage, but if you can't find an explicit 'clear/truncate' option for it, you could always use your original job concept to do that using an empty source and then running your new job.

Posted: Thu Jul 02, 2009 7:08 am
by karthi_gana
chulett wrote:I have no knowledge of this stage, but if you can't find an explicit 'clear/truncate' option for it, you could always use your original job concept to do that using an empty source and then running your new job.
I have created one more job to clear the table and then i ran this job.