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error code = 601; The following project was not created

Posted: Fri Jun 19, 2009 9:44 am
by vkumar
We are trying install DS8.1 on AIX and use Oracle-10g_RAC and DB Repository...

ProductException: (error code = 601; message="EDataStageServer35522: The following project was not created testFor details, see the log file./tmp/ibm_is_logs/ISInstall2009.06.18.17[/color].45.38.log"

It is funny that we have to search the same log file for the same error....mentioned in the error...

Pls help

Posted: Thu Jul 16, 2009 9:46 am
by vkumar
Per IBM Support....

Edit the file "/opt/IBM/InformationServer/Server/DSEngine/sample/ds.rc"

There is a section in the script with the following line:
# get the env of the admin, and filter out weird stuff (su $admnID -c "sh -c \".
${DSHOME}/dsenv; env \
| grep -v '^PS[0-9]' \
| grep -v
'^_[^R][^L][^D][^_][^A][^R][^G][^S]' \
| grep -v '^A__z' \
| grep -v '^MAILMSG' \
| grep -v '^LOGNAME' \
| grep -v '^TMOUT' \
| grep -v '^mc=' \
| grep -v '^\}$' \
>> ${DSHOME}/${SUBFILE1}\""; exit)
That line is causing the "illegal variable name." Specifically, the problem is the last grep line: "| grep -v '^\}$' \"
Removing that piece fixes the proble

This fixed the issue and we were able to restart Datastage successfully....

Posted: Thu Jul 16, 2009 11:07 am
by datskosaraju
Thanks for sharing!!