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Teradata Multiload Not Releasing

Posted: Thu Apr 16, 2009 7:08 am
by tgeorge
Hello All,

We are in the process of upgrading from 7.5 to 8.1 DataStage. We are currently going through all of the jobs, testing them one by one for 8.1 compatability. We have several instances of StringToDecimal() which are invalid. They are trying to convert a string to a decimal when the target column is integer. 8.1 complains about this, where as 7.5 did not.

We allow a maximum of 5 warnings before the job abends. On three different jobs yesterday, the warning count exceeded and the job failed due to SIGINT. I can release the error / log / work tables for the Muiltiloads, but when I try to release the MLOAD on the target table it gives the error 2571: Multiload task still running against table [Table Name].

We did have this happen from time to time in 7.5, but if we waited 20 - 30 minutes, we would suddenly be able to release the MLOAD. In 8.1, I waited more than 12 hours (overnight) and the multiload was still not releaseable; I had to have the DBAs terminate the Multiload processes against the tables.

I am wondering how we go about avoiding a problem such as this. Is this a setting in DataStage? A bug?

Thanks so much for any help and insight you are able to provide. It is very much appreciated.

Posted: Mon Jul 06, 2009 4:03 am
by hamzaqk
which tables are being used in the Mload ? you have not mentioned the DUP tables etc. Try the Command RELEASE MLOAD TABLE IN APPLY.

Teradata multiload release

Posted: Mon Jul 06, 2009 4:58 am
by nayanpatra
I have faced a similar problem with teradata multiload release. What I did is delete all the table contents and tried this command RELEASE MLOAD <TD-TABLENAME>. Then I tried to load again. It worked.