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Rescheduling sequence from director

Posted: Mon Feb 16, 2009 11:23 am
by samsuf2002
How does the rescheduling of sequence work in director after the sequence is edited?

I had one scheduled sequence in production, we made some changes in development and deployed the new version to production replacing the old one but we didn't reschedule it.

Now when it ran on scheduled time it processed the older version of sequence which I believe doesn't exist on production.

(the changes made to the sequence was not code changes we just switched some job activity stages)

Any suggestion ?

Posted: Mon Feb 16, 2009 11:46 am
by chulett
You would 'reschedule' a job in the Director if the time it ran or parameter values for the run needed to change. If you modify the parameters defined in the job, best to Unschedule and then add it back in. Doesn't sound like you modified any parameters in the Sequence, however.

How are you 'deploying' the job into production? If the old job is being overwritten / replaced then there really shouldn't be anything 'older' for the scheduler to run - it can't run a non-existent job. If both versions of the job are still in production somehow, the schedule will continue to run the original version as it uses the job number in the crontab entry, not the name, from what I recall.