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Warning converting decimal to date

Posted: Thu Oct 09, 2008 9:32 am
by r.bhatia
Problem Description:
no warnings on DS 7.5 but warnings produced on DS 7.5.3 while using the same code

Warning: APT_CombinedOperatorController,1: Conversion error calling conversion routine date_from_string data may have been lost

Transformation used to convert DECIMAL(8,0) to a date
If IsNull(lkread_L2OE.L2OE_INS_EFF_DATE)
Then SetNull()
Else (If DateToString(StringToDate(DecimalToString(lkread_L2OE.L2OE_INS_EFF_DATE,"suppress_zero") ,"%yyyy%mm%dd"),"%yyyy%mm%dd")="********"
Then SetNull()
Else StringToDate(DecimalToString(lkread_L2OE.L2OE_INS_EFF_DATE,"suppress_zero") ,"%yyyy%mm%dd"))

The results are as expected but I am getting warnings on the job-log, please let me know how I can get rid of these warnings

Posted: Thu Oct 09, 2008 1:18 pm
by Aruna Gutti
I am not sure whether it is a good idea or not ... but if I want to suppress a warning I will right click on the warning in the job log and select add rule to message handler option and supress it from there.

Posted: Thu Oct 09, 2008 1:20 pm
by Aruna Gutti
I am not sure whether it is a good idea or not ... but if I want to suppress a warning I will right click on the warning in the job log and select add rule to message handler option and supress it from there.

Posted: Fri Oct 10, 2008 3:47 am
by r.bhatia
I did right click on the warning message and added it to a message handler, after which I tried running the job again.

Still getting those warnings.

Wanted to know how to incorporate that message handler in the job/sequencer? What do i need to do for that?

Posted: Fri Oct 10, 2008 3:47 am
by r.bhatia
I did right click on the warning message and added it to a message handler, after which I tried running the job again.

Still getting those warnings.

Wanted to know how to incorporate that message handler in the job/sequencer? What do i need to do for that?

Posted: Thu Jun 11, 2009 7:25 am
by dhiraj
We are facing a similar issue when we upgraded from 7.5.1 to 7.5.3. recently.

There are no warnings on DS 7.5.1 but warnings produced on DS 7.5.3 while using the same code

Warning: APT_CombinedOperatorController,1: Conversion error calling conversion routine date_from_string data may have been lost

Does anybody know what causes this and the resolution apart from supressing the warning? I noticed that the warning went away when I handled the type conversion explicitly in 7.5.3. would that mean I would have to identify all instances where implicit conversion was taking place in the existing jobs and handle them appropriately?


Posted: Thu Jun 11, 2009 7:53 am
by chulett
dhiraj wrote:I noticed that the warning went away when I handled the type conversion explicitly in 7.5.3. would that mean I would have to identify all instances where implicit conversion was taking place in the existing jobs and handle them appropriately?
Yes. They should have given you that same warning in the earlier version as well.