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Backup of DataStage ver 8

Posted: Tue Jul 08, 2008 4:23 am
by aakashahuja

I intend to device a backup plan for our DS v8 installation. But I have noticed that DS has some information in the xmeta database (DB2 in our case) although I am not sure how it all connects.
If somebody can explain me how it all connects (DS, DB2, WAS etc.) and what components should be backed up (apart from the usual project exports), it will be of great help.


Posted: Tue Jul 08, 2008 5:03 am
by ray.wurlod
If all you want to do is to back up DataStage, take an export of each project, then take a backup of the DataStage server.

Re: Backup of DataStage ver 8

Posted: Thu Jul 10, 2008 3:58 am
by stotman
Hey Aakash

Aside from Ray's first suggestion of a dsx if you want to back up the various layers at the file level please contact IBM support - As you correctly noted there is information stored in each of the tiers (repository, ISF, Engine even the clients if your users have customized their palette's) there are also a couple of key additional things you'll need other than just the data in the repository e.g. WAS uses an encryption key etc..

This is all covered in a document called MigratingIBMInformationServer that support can provide you access to.



p.s. please go through support so we can track who's asking for this information but any issues please cc me.
aakashahuja wrote:Hi,

I intend to device a backup plan for our DS v8 installation. But I have noticed that DS has some information in the xmeta database (DB2 in our case) although I am not sure how it all connects.
If somebody can explain me how it all connects (DS, DB2, WAS etc.) and what components should be backed up (apart from the usual project exports), it will be of great help.


Posted: Thu Jul 10, 2008 4:05 am
by ArndW
Unfortunately the old approach of a UNIX backup is no longer sufficient with Version 8 as it has other components and metadata stored in the Information Server repository.

Posted: Wed Nov 05, 2008 8:09 am
by aakashahuja
I agree Arnd.... but I was just thinking it doing this way:

Backup metadata repository soon after the install (so that all the install config info is secured).

Then on regular frequencies, export projects and do filesystem backups of DS.

Backup WAS profile each time it changes.

If things go horribly wrong one fine day, then I would just:
First restore the initial backup of metadata rep so that we have a working initial-image.
Then do project imports.

Do you think this will work?