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DSR.ADMIN: Error creating DR elements, Error was -1

Posted: Mon Jun 16, 2008 2:37 pm
by vipson
I am running DS 8.0.1 FP1a on Solaris.
I am trying to create a project named TCL_US and I am getting error:
DSR.ADMIN: Error creating DR elements, Error was -1

I tried creating projects namd "TCLUS", "Test001", "TEST2" etc.
All of these projects were created without any issue.

I have created projects like TOT_US in past..

On Unix, space wise; I have lots of space available.
I am checking with my DBA to find out if the repository has any issue with space; which I doubt is the problem. Because I am able to create projects with other names..

I have opened up case with IBM..and waiting for their answer..

Any suggestion/idea?

I have Test environment where I was able to create the "TCL_US" project. Test environment is also on Solaris DS 8.0.1 FP1a.

Posted: Tue Jun 17, 2008 2:13 am
by deanwalker
DataStage failed to create all the required project records in XMETA, you will not be able to create a project with this name until these are removed.
If you can live with another project name, then that is a workaround.
You will need help from support to remove the existing items if you require to use that project name.

Posted: Thu Jul 10, 2008 8:15 am
by vipson
I ended up working with IBM and they gave me partial solution.
With my DBA knowledge I was able to figure out the rest..

Basically it is a three step process. You run a shell script, you run some DS command and than you clean up the xmeta tables...

Posted: Mon Oct 06, 2008 6:05 pm
by roblew
I have run into a similar issue. I have ample space (db and os). I just want to figure out how to delete any references to this project.

vipson, do you have a case number I can reference?

Posted: Tue Oct 07, 2008 6:24 am
by sjfearnside
I had a similiar problem in Feb 08. The case # was 712398

Posted: Wed Oct 08, 2008 5:50 pm
by roblew
Thanks. I opened a case with IBM and got the details. Here it is for anyone who's interested:
You will need to do the following to delete the project:

Delete the project from UV Account
1. Check that the project folder no longer exist in the projects folder. If it still exist, please
delete the project folder completely.
2. telnet to the UV or go to command line in Administrator
3. Run the command, LIST UV.ACCOUNT projectname
4. If you can see the project, run the command,
5. Now you need to fix the schema. Run the command,
6. If you see the project, run the command,
7. Check that you cannot see the project anymore,
run the command LIST UV_SCHEMA again

Delete the project from Repository:
The attached zip file contains the script can be use as
outlined below to check for the bad project and then delete it.
Depending on your install location you may have to modify the script to
point to the right locations.

The command to list the project -query "select x.Name,x.HostName from x in
will list all of the projects in the repository

The command to delete the project -deleteproject <hostname> <projectname>
Here are the contents of the shell script:

Code: Select all

# Script to run dstage_wrapper.jar command line

. `cat /.dshome`/dsenv 
exec "${NODE_DIR}/apps/jre/bin/java" "${NODE_DIR}/conf/auth.conf" "${NODE_DIR}/conf/sas.client.props" -Djava.util.logging.configureByServer=true  -classpath "$CLASSPATH" com.ascential.dstage.proxies.Loader "$@"

Posted: Tue Feb 24, 2009 6:49 am
by boxtoby
Thanks for the info guys, just hit the same problem myself!

Unfortunately I can't quite understand the command: -query "select x.Name,x.HostName from x in

what does the "x" stand for?

and what is DataStageX::DSProject?

Thanks for any assistance.


Posted: Tue Feb 24, 2009 1:32 pm
by roblew
boxtoby wrote:Unfortunately I can't quite understand the command: -query "select x.Name,x.HostName from x in

what does the "x" stand for?

and what is DataStageX::DSProject?
you know what... I think you just enter the commands as-is. I don't remember changing anything. I'll try to find my logs from when I ran it. I don't think it should do any harm by just running that, since it just queries the repository and gives you a result set (it won't delete anything at that point). The next step actually does the delete, which you will have to replace the things in brackets:

The command to delete the project -deleteproject <hostname> <projectname>