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DataStage Date Time ahead of Unix system date time

Posted: Thu May 22, 2008 1:54 pm
by data_whs_team

The date and time adopted by the DataStage is usually the Unix server system date time the DS server is sitting on.

I found the time is now 4 to 5 hours ahead of the Unix server system date time when I logged on this morning. What is the cause and how to fix it?



Re: DataStage Date Time ahead of Unix system date time

Posted: Thu May 22, 2008 2:05 pm
by dsnovice
data_whs_team wrote:Hello,

The date and time adopted by the DataStage is usually the Unix server system date time the DS server is sitting on.

I found the time is now 4 to 5 hours ahead of the Unix server system date time when I logged on this morning. What is the cause and how to fix it?


If you have NLS enabled, the time zone set on DataStage might be GMT. You should be able to adjust the timezone using your Administrator

Thank you,

-a novice

Posted: Thu May 22, 2008 2:42 pm
by data_whs_team
Hello novice,

The Administrator you are refering to is a person/role, Admin Client or http://server:9080/index.jsp and log in as 'dsadm'??\

I browsed thru' those panels and cannot any where I can adjust time zone.

Please note that our DSadm is novice also.

