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Session Error

Posted: Thu Dec 06, 2007 6:21 am
by sanghamitra
Hi All,

I am getting the following eror while trying to insert data from dataset to Teradata table using Teradata Enterprise stage.

Teradata_Enterprise_0,0: TeraUtils:Put failed: Error Code = 350
Teradata_Enterprise_0,0: DBCAREA msg_txt: Completed successfully.
Teradata_Enterprise_0,0: session wait failed, return code = 311
Teradata_Enterprise_0,0: Error waiting for session.
Teradata_Enterprise_0,0: Cannot write record.
Teradata_Enterprise_0,0: The runLocally() of the operator failed.
Teradata_Enterprise_0,0: Operator terminated abnormally: runLocally did not return APT_StatusOk
Teradata_Enterprise_0: TeraGenericQuery Error: Request Close failed: Error Code = 305 Session return code = 305 , DBC return code = 305
DBC message: CLI2: NOREQUEST(305): Specified request does not exist.

I have enabled the APT_TERA_64K_BUFFERS parameter and have increased the Buffer Size at the stage level as well. The SessionPerPlayer have been set to 2.

Please help me in solving the error.

Re: Session Error

Posted: Sun Dec 09, 2007 12:47 am
by nishadkapadia
The following entry is mentioned in your log
---Teradata_Enterprise_0,0: Cannot write record.

Looks like ,check n the metadata in Teradata and in the source dataset
would be good place to start.

Re: Session Error

Posted: Sun Dec 09, 2007 12:49 am
by nishadkapadia
The following entry is mentioned in your log
---Teradata_Enterprise_0,0: Cannot write record.

Looks like ,check the metadata in Teradata and in the source dataset
would be good place to start.