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Multiple instance execution log

Posted: Fri Oct 19, 2007 2:19 pm
by videsh77
Hi, I have a job which is executed as a multiple instance.
Say I have this job named as 'JobA'. Say its 5 instances were run 1...10 like


My log gets cleared say after 3 runs of JobA, then I could see logs for last 3 as JobA.8, JobA.9, JobA.10.

Cant we see last 3 logs for every individual instance? Is there any setting we need to change to achieve this?

Posted: Fri Oct 19, 2007 4:39 pm
by ArndW
Unfortunately not, the purging was designed before multiinstance jobs and wasn't modified to account for "sharing" the same log file. You could switch to time-based purging in order to keep recent multi-instance runs.