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Unable to parse a XML file

Posted: Tue Aug 07, 2007 1:31 pm
by karthikgk0705
I have an XML file,


From this file i need to have both the customer_ad1 & customer_ad2 in my target file(Both are subtags of customer and are maxoccur = unbounded, but I am getting only t first one. Any suggestion are appreciated.

Re: Unable to parse a XML file

Posted: Tue Aug 07, 2007 9:47 pm
Could you provide some additional information about your job, please?

What stages are being used? You could use simple flow notations
(E.g. XMLInput ==> Transform ==> XMLOutput)
What are the intermediate stages involved?
What is the target stage (Text File, XML File, DB)...?
Are you binding XSD/Schemas while reading?
Are you using appropriate XSLT expresssions?

Also, in your sample, where does <Customer_ad1> end/terminate?
