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Problem creating indexes!

Posted: Thu Jul 05, 2007 6:12 am
by hamzaqk
Reading through the posts and trying to create indexes on a sample hash file.

1. when i set try to enter a VOC entry it gives me a warning. that the 'DICT file path ' physical path name' does not exist, though it does create a link after it

2. when i try to create index on a hash file by CREATE.INDEX HASH_FILE_DEMO COL A , it says unable to open hash file or not a valid hash file.

any tips ... cause i have tried everythin which is already been said in the previous posts pertaining to this.


Posted: Thu Jul 05, 2007 7:00 am
by chulett
Problem #2 is caused by problem #1. And for #1, the 'physical path name' must be the full path to the hashed file, including the hashed file name.

Post your syntax if you still can't get it to work.

Posted: Thu Jul 05, 2007 9:06 am
by ray.wurlod
Any reason not to post a question that is obviously about a server job in the forum for server jobs?

There's no such thing as a hash file (other than a tool for shaping a block of hash). How did you attempt to create one?

Assuming the thing that you attempted to create was a hashed file, how did you create that? The answer to that question will affect the proper answer to the questions you posted in this thread.

Posted: Thu Jul 05, 2007 11:00 am
by kduke
If you edit your VOC entry for this hashed file then there should 3 lines.

3 lines long.

----: P
0001: F Ardent DataStage Repository file
0002: DS_AUDIT
0003: D_DS_AUDIT
Bottom at line 3.
----: EX

Line 1 says it is a F-pointer or file pointer.
Line 2 is the DATA side of this hashed file.
Line 3 is the DICT side of this hashed file. DICT is the dictionary or the column for this hased file or if you will this table.

The DATA side and the DICT side need to exist at the OS level.

Posted: Fri Jul 06, 2007 12:59 am
by hamzaqk
thanks chulett...... was missing the file name in the phycial path. its working now and giving me no warnings when creating a VOC entry.