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Quality Stage V7.0 & 7.5 of XE vs EE

Posted: Tue Jun 05, 2007 8:06 am
by Perwezakh
We are planning to upgrade our Quality Stage XE to EE. While analysis I found that we have couple of QS jobs designed in V7.0 but running on V7.5. So our QS jobs are in V7.0 and V7.5 but run on V7.5. As we know V7.5 XE upgrade to V7.5 EE is very easy one (the only two change will be running QS jobs in Parallel Extender mode and update config file to indicate EE). Can some one shed some light on what will happen to our QS V7.0 XE jobs. Are these V7.0 XE jobs can migrate to V7.5 EE as easily as V7.5 XE jobs or we have to rewrite our V7.0 XE jobs.
Thanks in advance

Posted: Wed Jun 06, 2007 12:18 am
by ray.wurlod
With admittedly very standard jobs (only Investigate, Select, Standardize, one-file Match and Survive stages) the migration was transparent.