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Performance altered by links in transformer

Posted: Wed May 30, 2007 10:35 am
by boligoma

I have a job that gets data from a sequential file and insert it to an Oracle table. This job runs fine (300,000 rows in 5 minutes more or less) until I put several links of other Oracle table in the transformer in order to get more data.

The problem here is that is a fact table with artificial keys. I have to join the dimentions with one or more keys in order to insert the artifical one into the fact by reference links in the transformer stage. I need to include four different dimentions. The performance of the job goes from 1000 rows per second to 14 rows per second. The dimentions are Oracle tables.

I've already change the Array Size and the Transaction Size but is the same result. Any ideas? I want to change the job so the transformer stage doesn't have more than one reference link but I don't what other stage can help me.

I'm using DS 7.2 with Oracle 9.


Posted: Wed May 30, 2007 10:38 am
by DSguru2B
Unload your dimension tables (surrogate key and natural key(s) only) in seperate hashed files. Do a lookup against these hashed files instead of going directly against the database. You should see a boost in performance.

Posted: Mon Jun 04, 2007 6:06 pm
by boligoma
It helped me a lot in performance. I have another doubt concerning hash files but I better insert a new post because it got nothing to do with performance.

Thanks a lot!!!