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best practise

Posted: Mon May 28, 2007 7:18 am
by siddesai
Hi Everyone,
I 'm pretty new to DS development.

I had two questions:
--> What is the best practise to select what "stage" would be appropriate to do various calculations,etc
--> What is the best practise to set performance benchmark?

Are there any books/articles besides you guru's that might be of assistance?

Thanks for your assistance

Posted: Mon May 28, 2007 7:40 am
by DSguru2B
Each stage has its own functionality. Some functionalities can occur in different stages. I know of no such document, besides going through archives and learning for the suggestions of our gurus here. For eg: a modify stage is to be preferred over a transformer. Sort stage over in built sort operators of different stages etc.
No book is written on this material. vmcburney has his blogs on numerous subjects that are extremely helpful. Go to the main page, on the right hand side, under "Top 10 Posters, All Time" click on vmcburney and go to his blog pages.

Posted: Mon May 28, 2007 5:02 pm
by siddesai
DSguru2B wrote:Each stage has its own functionality. Some functionalities can occur in different stages. I know of no such document, besides going through archives and learning for the suggestions of our gurus here. For eg: a modify stage is to be preferred over a transformer. Sort stage over in built sort operators of different stages etc.
No book is written on this material. vmcburney has his blogs on numerous subjects that are extremely helpful. Go to the main page, on the right hand side, under "Top 10 Posters, All Time" click on vmcburney and go to his blog pages.
Thanks for your reply.