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SORT stage error

Posted: Tue Apr 24, 2007 11:21 pm
by avi2kus
When iam running the Server Job on windows iam getting below mentioned warnings. i know these warnings came due to the SORT Stage.
but i don't know why these warnings coming.In SORT Stage we are using #$TMPDIR#. Location of TMP DIR is we are using some location.

I mentioned some valid reasons why these warnings coming.but iam not sure about those reasons.any one please look into this and let me know through reply post.

Valid Reasons :

1. May be no more space in that directory.?
Comments on reaosn 1: (But if it space problem it will run at least 1 or 2 records.but for 1 or 2 records also it;s failing. and we deleted all files in that directory and tried to ran..but that time also it's failing due to SORT stage.)

2. May be we don't have write permissions.? (But admin also(which one having the write permissions) getting same warnings)

when iam going to ran the job with out using #$TMPDIR# in SORT stage,then it's ran successfully with out any warnings.

Fatal: Datastage..SORT: File '/etl/dev/common/tmp/solDEkEa/ipf__1' write error
Warning: Attempting to Cleanup after ABORT raised in stage Datastage..SORT
Warning: Datastage..SORT.ILNK_file1_sort: ds_ipcflush() - Error in mutex_unlock() - Not owner
Warning: Datastage..SORT.ILNK_smp_ro_account_sort: DSD.INTClose Error 11 in GCI close.
Warning: DataStage Job 1292 Phantom 16440
Datastage..SORT.ILNK_file1_sort: DSD.INTClose Error 11 in GCI close.
DataStage Phantom Finished.

Can u let me know why these warnings coming.....ASAP....

Posted: Wed Apr 25, 2007 4:35 pm
by ray.wurlod
The errors appear to be coming from the IPC mechanism rather than from the Sort stage. Are you using row buffering or IPC, Link Collector or Link Partitioner stages? If so, try constructing the job without them, to see whether that cures the problem.

Posted: Wed Apr 25, 2007 6:19 pm
by kumar_s
What is the stage prior and after the Sort stage?
Is this the value "/etl/dev/common/tmp/solDEkEa/" that has been assigned to the Environmental variable?