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What are the advantages of being an IBM partner

Posted: Wed Apr 18, 2007 4:08 am
by vaibhav.chimote
Hello guys,
Recently my company has become an IBM partner. Please could you provide me the following details:
1. What are the advantages of being an IBM partner.
2. How can the IBM website be used to maximum learning and advantage.
3. Being an IBM partner, will I have some extra privileges to download stuff as compared to privileges of a normal user. If yes, what kind of priviliges.
Thanks in advance.

Posted: Wed Apr 18, 2007 6:32 am
by vmcburney
It's a bit tricky and it depends on what the latest partner offerings are. You should be able to get trial or evaluation software, you can also use a wide range of business software for free. Some software you only get with the purchase of an additional partner pack. You should be able to get a partner login to the IBM website but I haven't found much there. You really need to find a contact at IBM and ask them a heap of questions to find out what help they can give you, especially around free or discounted training.

Posted: Thu Apr 19, 2007 5:25 am
by vaibhav.chimote
Thanks for the response. I have partner login details for IBM website, but couldn't really get anything useful apart from a couple of Redbooks and papers. That's why I was scratching my head to be able to use the privilege (if any).
Do you realy think that I may get the trail or evolution version of Datastage to download?