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Handling complex conditions in Hash File Lookup

Posted: Tue Mar 20, 2007 1:21 am
by rahul.bhuraria

I am new to datastage and require help. I need to perform a hash file lookup using complex conditions like '<', '>' etc. For example assume there are 4 tables A,B,C & D out of which A is a primary table and other are look up tables. There is a hash file created for B,C & D each. My look up condition are

For hash file B the look up condition are:

and A.Column2 between B.Column2 and B.Column3

similar for hash file C the conditions are

and A.Column2 between C.Column2 and C.Column3

same are the conditions for other lookups. All the lookup hash files are connected to a single transformer. Can anyone tell, is there anyway to implement this in datastage

Re: Handling complex conditions in Hash File Lookup

Posted: Tue Mar 20, 2007 2:25 am
by rahul.bhuraria

Can anyone help me with the below problem. It is urgent.

rahul.bhuraria wrote:Hello,

I am new to datastage and require help. I need to perform a hash file lookup using complex conditions like '<', '>' etc. For example assume there are 4 tables A,B,C & D out of which A is a primary table and other are look up tables. There is a hash file created for B,C & D each. My look up condition are

For hash file B the look up condition are:

and A.Column2 between B.Column2 and B.Column3

similar for hash file C the conditions are

and A.Column2 between C.Column2 and C.Column3

same are the conditions for other lookups. All the lookup hash files are connected to a single transformer. Can anyone tell, is there anyway to implement this in datastage

Posted: Tue Mar 20, 2007 6:12 am
by ray.wurlod
Etiquette Note 1
If it's urgent, sign up with your support provider for premium service, and learn the true cost of "urgent".

When you posted it was the middle of the night in the USA.

We don't do "urgent" here. DSXchange is an all volunteer site, folks post as and when they can, and none of them gets paid for doing so. Premium membership exists solely to help cover bandwidth costs.

Etiquette Note 2
It is not necessary to quote the entire post just to reply to it. It wastes space on the server.

You might search the forum for "range lookup". This question has been asked, and answered, a number of times previously. Narrow your search by including "hashed" or "hash" in the search list. Search for all terms.

Posted: Tue Mar 20, 2007 7:05 am
by kcbland
While you were waiting for an answer, you could have searched this forum extensively. Your topics are covered in detail.