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Cannot Import Job

Posted: Fri Mar 09, 2007 9:02 am
by DStage_Developer
When trying to import a job, I receive the message "cannot get exclusive access to job log". I've verified no user has the job log locked.

Posted: Fri Mar 09, 2007 9:05 am
by kumar_s
Hi and Welcome aboard :D !!!

It has been discusses lot of time. Search will give you very good insight. It will also be locked if the log file is locked by other user via Director.
It might also be locked by abrubt shutdown like connection break down of the client in previous attempt.
You can clear the locks using "Cleanup resouce" option available in Director.

Posted: Fri Mar 09, 2007 9:22 am
by DStage_Developer
Thanks, Kumar_S for the welcome and the insight. I've found some threads concerning this topic. I've run the list readu. command. Now i'm trying to figure out my next steps

Posted: Fri Mar 09, 2007 9:32 am
by kumar_s
Here are the steps, which you can follow to release locks..

1. Login as dsadm. Test into your UNIX machine where DataStage Server is installed.

2. cd into DataStage home directory. You can enter "cat /.dshome" to find the DataStage home directory.

3. Enter ". ./dsenv" (i.e. .space./dsenv) to source the dsenv file.

4. Enter "bin/uvsh". It will bring you into UV Administration menu. Hit ESC key to get out of the menu and it bring you to ">" TCL prompt.

5. At TCL prompt, you can enter "LOGTO projectname" to log into the project account. The project name is case sensitive.

6. To find out what the job description number, enter "LIST DS_JOBS

7. Enter "LIST.READU EVERY" at TCL. Check active record locks under "Item Id" column for job name or RT_CONFIG# or RT_LOG# (# matches the job description number.

8. Write down the inode number and user number for the lock that is not a valid lock.

9. Enter "LOGTO UV" to log into UV account. The UNLOCK command lives in UV account.

10. Enter "UNLOCK INODE inode# USER user# ALL". This will unlock the lock hold on this file (inode#) and hold by this user (user#) for file locks, group locks and record locks. If you need to see all the locks again, enter "LIST.READU EVERY".
OR Enter "UNLOCK USER user# ALL"

11. Type Q to logout of Universe

Posted: Fri Mar 09, 2007 9:37 am
by kumar_s
I dont want to threaten you with this big steps, optionally you can go to Director "Cleanup Resouce"--> Select "Show all" under locks.
Note down the PIC, and select the corresponding PID in Processess by select "Show ALL".
High light that, and now again select "show by process in Locks".
Click on "Release All"

Posted: Fri Mar 09, 2007 9:39 am
by kumar_s
Was the last post is as confusing as previous one, I cant help it. :wink:

Posted: Fri Mar 09, 2007 10:22 am
by DStage_Developer
Thanks, Kumar! It worked!!!!! I used the 1st solution you provided. I didn't do it through Unix however. I went under administrator.

Posted: Fri Mar 09, 2007 10:24 am
by kumar_s
Good. Do you wish to mark the topic as resolved?