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Difference btw Sequencer & Batch jobs

Posted: Thu Mar 08, 2007 11:15 am
by ganesh123

I wanted to know the difference between the Jobs running in sequence and jobs added and running in Batch .

Like what is the basic difference and when its used.

I know if a Job2 is dependent on Job1 we use sequencer, but can we add Job1 and Job2 in the batch and run it. Will it give the same result ?

Is the order of adding jobs in BATCH is important or can we add randomly ?

Thankas in advance :)

Posted: Thu Mar 08, 2007 11:21 am
by chulett
At a very high level, a Sequence job is the same as a Batch job. It's just that you have a GUI to generate the Sequence job and you need to hand-code the 'Batch' job.

Other than that, they're both 'job control' code. Of course, when you write it yourself, you can extend the functionality considerably and do more than the GUI currently allows.

Posted: Thu Mar 08, 2007 12:06 pm
by ganesh123
So help me Craig, do we use "DS Macro" and "DS Constants" in Job control and not within the transformer or elsewhere within the Job ? I am asking this because I have never used them so far.

For eg. "Wait for File" or "Send email" or "DS Job status" etc... we can use in Job control only ?

Posted: Thu Mar 08, 2007 12:43 pm
by vmcburney
You should explore your right mouse click menu in Transformer to see what macros and constants are available. You might find a use for things like job start time or job name or invocation id. Functions like wait for file and send email should be run once before or after the job so they are best in a batch or sequence job. They would be terrible in a transformer as they would be run for every row and slow the job down, unless you are using a DataStage transformer as a way of looping through a control table and running commands.