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Multi Client Manager

Posted: Wed Jan 24, 2007 6:29 pm
by edward_m

I need to work two different versions of DS Servers,for this i installed these two different version clients in different locations on my PC and also installed multi client manager utility.
Everything installed well but multi client manager is not showing in program to invoke/work with multi client manager.
Please advise.

Thanks in advance..

Posted: Wed Jan 24, 2007 6:34 pm
by I_Server_Whale
Check if you have "MultiClientManager.exe" in the path

Code: Select all

C:\Program Files\Ascential\DataStage Multi-Client Manager
. If it exists, create a shortcut to your Desktop. Viola! :wink:

Posted: Wed Jan 24, 2007 7:04 pm
by edward_m
Thanks for your quick guidence.
I did see multi client manager icon..when i clicked on that icon it says
Unable to open a connection to the DataStage Multi-Client Manager Service. Please ensure the service is installed and started.
How to start/install the service..


Posted: Wed Jan 24, 2007 7:17 pm
by I_Server_Whale

Code: Select all

Start Menu ---> Right Click on "My Computer" -----> Click on "Manage" (This opens 'Computer Management' window)-----> Double click on "Services and Applications" ----> Double click on "Services" (This will open up the Services list).
Now, Find 'DataStage Multi-Client Manager Service' service and start it. Well! If it's not installed, then install it.

Also, bear in mind that MCM ( Multi-Client Manager) will not work properly if you have 'Version Control' installed. You can have any one of them, not both.


Posted: Wed Jan 24, 2007 9:24 pm
by chulett
I_Server_Whale wrote:Also, bear in mind that MCM ( Multi-Client Manager) will not work properly if you have 'Version Control' installed. You can have any one of them, not both.
I know there's something to that effect in the MCM readme, and it's been awhile since I've had a need for the MCM but I think that's a little too literal of a reading.

I've had both installed. I've used both at the same time - but only when 'switched' to the primary client version - the one that matches the VC client. When you switch out to the other client, don't use Version Control. I don't think they can't co-exist but more to the point that it can't switch VC for some reason.

Posted: Thu Jan 25, 2007 2:18 am
by I_Server_Whale

Gotcha! Does that mean that, say if I have DS Server 7.5.1.A and DSEE 7.5x2 installed, then should I be installing Version Control twice respective to the client version.

And after this, using MCM, I would be able to use only ONE version of the 'Version Control' but not the other. Am I in the right path here?


Posted: Thu Jan 25, 2007 7:33 am
by chulett
Not sure, as I've never installed two different versions of Version Control, let alone mixed Windows and UNIX flavors. It will depend on how it handles the registry, I would think, more than likely only the second (most recent) install would function correctly. :?

Why would you need to do that? Typically, the MCM is meant to help when you are testing or in the process of migrating to a new version. You don't need both once things are settled down and would only be 'versioning' jobs in the 'old' release. At some point everything would get blessed and transferred to the 'new' release and then you'd install the new Version Control.

Or do you actually need to support two versions from the same PC for an extended period of time? If that's the case, I'd check with Support to get an official ruling on the subject...

Posted: Thu Jan 25, 2007 10:11 am
by edward_m
Thanks a lot for all valuable information.
Now i am able to work with both DS Versions.