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Meta Data Import in XML

Posted: Mon Jan 15, 2007 1:41 pm
by seethamsetty

Can any one throw some light on

1. Are table definitions imported from XML or XSD File ?
2. When i import metadata for output column definitions i am getting prefix of ns1 or defns, is it the correct way of importing.

3. Data is not moved from xml input stage to sequential stage
in job

Folder - XML Input Stager - Sequential Stage.

No error displayed, job run successful without errors.

Re: Meta Data Import in XML

Posted: Mon Jan 15, 2007 1:59 pm
by I_Server_Whale
seethamsetty wrote:Can any one throw some light on

1. Are table definitions imported from XML or XSD File ?
XML file.
2. When i import metadata for output column definitions i am getting prefix of ns1 or defns, is it the correct way of importing.
Importing metadata from where?

Posted: Mon Jan 15, 2007 5:49 pm
by eostic
Table definitions can be imported from either, although there are a small number of xsd design styles that the meta data importer does not support.

You can import meta data from an xml document, but you won't get datatypes, and you risk not defining optional columns [elements and attributes] that may not exist in the document itself.

Namespaces are simply unique identifiers and come from the xml or xsd and should be obvious if you open the document and read it directly.
