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Posted: Thu Apr 06, 2006 12:39 pm
by kcbland
I don't know what the permissions mean, but if you're running this on a PC, I used Active Perl and it works fine. The unix side of me says your umask setting is wrong and the .pl script can't write the files to those directories.

It's a shame we're cluttering up the original post, next time you should start a thread instead of hijacking existing threads. :wink:

Anyway, my guess is now that you've opened up DUMP2 and below, does re-running the script work now? How about spooling to screen some messages within the script to figure out when/where/why your setup doesn't work?

Posted: Thu Apr 06, 2006 3:30 pm
by Cowmix
First off.. sorry about the bad 'thread' etiquette.

Anyway.. yup.. it worked right in ActivePerl.

I'll debug the script and make sure it works in a POSIX env like Linux and Cygwin. I'm sure if everything was set right on my end.. it would work.. but the script should error out if the env is setup wrong.. which I'll fix and post back to this thread.

again. thanks!

Posted: Thu Apr 06, 2006 3:45 pm
by kcbland
Great! Please re-post a Cygwin compliant version with appropriate commentary! Thanks!

Posted: Thu Apr 06, 2006 3:59 pm
by kduke
If you are on Windows then why not use a routine:

Code: Select all

* -----------------------------------------------------------------
* KgdParseDSX(Path, FileName, JobsToSkip, CatOnlySw, DebugSw)
* Decription: Parse DSX File.
* Written by: Kim Duke
* -----------------------------------------------------------------
* Notes: ./KimD/Backups/20040809 Kim20040809.dsx
* -----------------------------------------------------------------
      Ans = 'Done'
* -----------------------------------------------------------------
      DEFFUN KgdMakeDir(DirName) CALLING "DSU.KgdMakeDir"
      DEFFUN KgdGetSlash(NotUsed) CALLING "DSU.KgdGetSlash"
* -----------------------------------------------------------------
* initialize standard variables
* -----------------------------------------------------------------
      * DebugSw = @false
      * CatOnlySw = @true
      JobName = ''
      RoutineName = ''
      Category = ''
      Slash = KgdGetSlash('Na')
* -----------------------------------------------------------------
      openpath Path to DirPtr else
         ErrMsg = "Error: Bad Path = ":Path
         goto ErrRtn
* -----------------------------------------------------------------
      read AllDsxRec from DirPtr, FileName then
* -----------------------------------------------------------------
* create directories for jobs like FileName_Jobs
* -----------------------------------------------------------------
         * OutDir1 = Path :Slash: ServerName :Slash: ProjectName
         * if KgdMakeDir(OutDir1) then null
         OutDir1 = Path :Slash: field(FileName, ".", 1) :"_"
         JobDir = OutDir1 : 'Jobs'
         if KgdMakeDir(JobDir) then null
         RtnDir = OutDir1 : 'Routines'
         if KgdMakeDir(RtnDir) then null
* -----------------------------------------------------------------
         openpath JobDir to JobDirPtr else
            ErrMsg = "Error: Bad JobDir = ":JobDir
            goto ErrRtn
         print 'Clearing ... ':JobDir
         CLEARFILE JobDirPtr
         openpath RtnDir to RtnDirPtr else
            ErrMsg = "Error: Bad RtnDir = ":RtnDir
            goto ErrRtn
         print 'Clearing ... ':RtnDir
         CLEARFILE RtnDirPtr
* -----------------------------------------------------------------
         HeaderRec = ''
         InHeader = @false
         NewDsx = ''
         InJob = @false
         InRtn = @false
         NoLines = dcount(AllDsxRec, @FM)
* -----------------------------------------------------------------
         for j=1 to NoLines
            Line = AllDsxRec<j>
            if DebugSw then print Line
            FirstWord = field(trim(Line), ' ', 1)
            FirstUp = upcase(FirstWord)
            SecondWord = field(trim(Line), ' ', 2)
            SecondUp = upcase(SecondWord)
* -----------------------------------------------------------------
            begin case
               case FirstUp = 'BEGIN'
                  begin case
                     case SecondUp = 'HEADER'
                        InHeader = @true
                        HeaderRec = Line
                     case SecondUp = 'DSJOB'
                        InJob = @true
                        NewDsx = Line
                        JobName = field(AllDsxRec<j+1>, '"', 2)
                        print 'JobName =':JobName
                     case SecondUp = 'DSROUTINES'
                        InRtn = @true
                        NewDsx = ''
                        RoutineName = field(AllDsxRec<j+2>, '"', 2)
                     case SecondUp = 'DSRECORD' and InRtn
                        if NewDsx <> '' then
* -----------------------------------------------------------------
* write out routine (add DSROUTINES)
* -----------------------------------------------------------------
                           NewDsxRec = RtnHeaderRec
                           NewDsxRec := @FM : NewDsx
                           NewDsxRec := @FM : 'END DSROUTINES'
                           print 'Routine = ':RoutineName
                           write NewDsxRec on RtnDirPtr, RoutineName:'.dsx' else
                              ErrMsg = "Error: Unable to write to ":RtnDir
                              goto ErrRtn
                           if DebugSw then goto TheEnd
                           NewDsx = Line
                           RoutineName = field(AllDsxRec<j+1>, '"', 2)
                        end else
                           NewDsx = Line
                     case @true
                        NewDsx := @FM : Line
                  end case
               case FirstUp = 'END'
                  begin case
                     case SecondUp = 'HEADER'
                        InHeader = @false
                        HeaderRec := @FM : Line
                        RtnHeaderRec = HeaderRec
                        RtnHeaderRec := @FM : 'BEGIN DSROUTINES'
* -----------------------------------------------------------------
* write out header
* -----------------------------------------------------------------
                        NewDsxRec = HeaderRec
                        write NewDsxRec on DirPtr, 'KgdHeader.dsx' else
                           ErrMsg = "Error: Unable to write to ":Path
                           goto ErrRtn
                     case SecondUp = 'DSJOB'
                        InJob = @false
                        NewDsx := @FM : Line
* -----------------------------------------------------------------
* write out job
* -----------------------------------------------------------------
                        NewDsxRec = HeaderRec
                        NewDsxRec := @FM : NewDsx
                        convert ':' to '_' in JobName
                        if not(CatOnlySw) and index(JobsToSkip,JobName[1,1],1)=0 then
                           print 'Job = ':JobName
                           write NewDsxRec on JobDirPtr, JobName:'.dsx' else
                              ErrMsg = "Error: Unable to write to ":JobDir
                              goto ErrRtn
                        CatId = Category :".dsx"
                        read CatRec from JobDirPtr, CatId else
                           CatRec = HeaderRec
                        CatRec := @FM : NewDsx
                        write CatRec on JobDirPtr, CatId else
                           ErrMsg = "Error: Unable to write to ":JobDir:', ':CatId
                           goto ErrRtn
                        if DebugSw then goto TheEnd
                     case SecondUp = 'DSROUTINES'
                        InRtn = @false
                        * NewDsx := @FM : Line
* -----------------------------------------------------------------
* write out routine
* -----------------------------------------------------------------
                        NewDsxRec = RtnHeaderRec
                        NewDsxRec := @FM : NewDsx
                        NewDsxRec := @FM : 'END DSROUTINES'
                        print 'Routine = ':RoutineName
                        write NewDsxRec on RtnDirPtr, RoutineName:'.dsx' else
                           ErrMsg = "Error: Unable to write to ":RtnDir
                           goto ErrRtn
                        if DebugSw then goto TheEnd
                     case @true
                        NewDsx := @FM : Line
                  end case
               case @true
                  begin case
                     case InHeader
                        HeaderRec := @FM : Line
                        begin case
                           case FirstWord = 'ServerName'
                              ServerName = field(Line, '"', 2)
                              print 'ServerName =':ServerName
                           case FirstWord = 'ToolInstanceID'
                              ProjectName = field(Line, '"', 2)
                              print 'ProjectName =':ProjectName
                           case FirstWord = 'Date'
                              ExportDate = field(Line, '"', 2)
                              convert "-" to "" in ExportDate
                              print 'ExportDate =':ExportDate
                        end case
                     case @true
                        NewDsx := @FM : Line
                        if FirstWord = 'Category' then
                           Category = field(Line, '"', 2)
                           convert "\" to "_" in Category
                           print 'Category =':Category
                  end case
            end case
* -----------------------------------------------------------------
         next j
         Ans = 'Double click me'
      end else
         ErrMsg = 'Error: Bad FileName = ':FileName
         goto ErrRtn
      goto TheEnd
* -----------------------------------------------------------------
      print ErrMsg
* -----------------------------------------------------------------
      print Ans

Posted: Thu Apr 06, 2006 4:18 pm
by Cowmix
Most of the SCM scripting I plan on doing will be under Linux, so it seems the Perl script would be my best bet..

However.. I'll keep your routine in my back pocket .. if anything I use it as a sanity check to the Perl script output.
kduke wrote:If you are on Windows then why not use a routine:

Code: Select all

* -----------------------------------------------------------------
* KgdParseDSX(Path, FileName, JobsToSkip, CatOnlySw, DebugSw)
* Decription: Parse DSX File.
* Written by: Kim Duke
* -----------------------------------------------------------------
* Notes: ./KimD/Backups/20040809 Kim20040809.dsx
* -----------------------------------------------------------------
      Ans = 'Done'
* -----------------------------------------------------------------
      DEFFUN KgdMakeDir(DirName) CALLING "DSU.KgdMakeDir"
      DEFFUN KgdGetSlash(NotUsed) CALLING "DSU.KgdGetSlash"
* -----------------------------------------------------------------
* initialize standard variables
* -----------------------------------------------------------------
      * DebugSw = @false
      * CatOnlySw = @true
      JobName = ''
      RoutineName = ''
      Category = ''
      Slash = KgdGetSlash('Na')
* -----------------------------------------------------------------
      openpath Path to DirPtr else
         ErrMsg = "Error: Bad Path = ":Path
         goto ErrRtn
* -----------------------------------------------------------------
      read AllDsxRec from DirPtr, FileName then
* -----------------------------------------------------------------
* create directories for jobs like FileName_Jobs
* -----------------------------------------------------------------
         * OutDir1 = Path :Slash: ServerName :Slash: ProjectName
         * if KgdMakeDir(OutDir1) then null
         OutDir1 = Path :Slash: field(FileName, ".", 1) :"_"
         JobDir = OutDir1 : 'Jobs'
         if KgdMakeDir(JobDir) then null
         RtnDir = OutDir1 : 'Routines'
         if KgdMakeDir(RtnDir) then null
* -----------------------------------------------------------------
         openpath JobDir to JobDirPtr else
            ErrMsg = "Error: Bad JobDir = ":JobDir
            goto ErrRtn
         print 'Clearing ... ':JobDir
         CLEARFILE JobDirPtr
         openpath RtnDir to RtnDirPtr else
            ErrMsg = "Error: Bad RtnDir = ":RtnDir
            goto ErrRtn
         print 'Clearing ... ':RtnDir
         CLEARFILE RtnDirPtr
* -----------------------------------------------------------------
         HeaderRec = ''
         InHeader = @false
         NewDsx = ''
         InJob = @false
         InRtn = @false
         NoLines = dcount(AllDsxRec, @FM)
* -----------------------------------------------------------------
         for j=1 to NoLines
            Line = AllDsxRec<j>
            if DebugSw then print Line
            FirstWord = field(trim(Line), ' ', 1)
            FirstUp = upcase(FirstWord)
            SecondWord = field(trim(Line), ' ', 2)
            SecondUp = upcase(SecondWord)
* -----------------------------------------------------------------
            begin case
               case FirstUp = 'BEGIN'
                  begin case
                     case SecondUp = 'HEADER'
                        InHeader = @true
                        HeaderRec = Line
                     case SecondUp = 'DSJOB'
                        InJob = @true
                        NewDsx = Line
                        JobName = field(AllDsxRec<j+1>, '"', 2)
                        print 'JobName =':JobName
                     case SecondUp = 'DSROUTINES'
                        InRtn = @true
                        NewDsx = ''
                        RoutineName = field(AllDsxRec<j+2>, '"', 2)
                     case SecondUp = 'DSRECORD' and InRtn
                        if NewDsx <> '' then
* -----------------------------------------------------------------
* write out routine (add DSROUTINES)
* -----------------------------------------------------------------
                           NewDsxRec = RtnHeaderRec
                           NewDsxRec := @FM : NewDsx
                           NewDsxRec := @FM : 'END DSROUTINES'
                           print 'Routine = ':RoutineName
                           write NewDsxRec on RtnDirPtr, RoutineName:'.dsx' else
                              ErrMsg = "Error: Unable to write to ":RtnDir
                              goto ErrRtn
                           if DebugSw then goto TheEnd
                           NewDsx = Line
                           RoutineName = field(AllDsxRec<j+1>, '"', 2)
                        end else
                           NewDsx = Line
                     case @true
                        NewDsx := @FM : Line
                  end case
               case FirstUp = 'END'
                  begin case
                     case SecondUp = 'HEADER'
                        InHeader = @false
                        HeaderRec := @FM : Line
                        RtnHeaderRec = HeaderRec
                        RtnHeaderRec := @FM : 'BEGIN DSROUTINES'
* -----------------------------------------------------------------
* write out header
* -----------------------------------------------------------------
                        NewDsxRec = HeaderRec
                        write NewDsxRec on DirPtr, 'KgdHeader.dsx' else
                           ErrMsg = "Error: Unable to write to ":Path
                           goto ErrRtn
                     case SecondUp = 'DSJOB'
                        InJob = @false
                        NewDsx := @FM : Line
* -----------------------------------------------------------------
* write out job
* -----------------------------------------------------------------
                        NewDsxRec = HeaderRec
                        NewDsxRec := @FM : NewDsx
                        convert ':' to '_' in JobName
                        if not(CatOnlySw) and index(JobsToSkip,JobName[1,1],1)=0 then
                           print 'Job = ':JobName
                           write NewDsxRec on JobDirPtr, JobName:'.dsx' else
                              ErrMsg = "Error: Unable to write to ":JobDir
                              goto ErrRtn
                        CatId = Category :".dsx"
                        read CatRec from JobDirPtr, CatId else
                           CatRec = HeaderRec
                        CatRec := @FM : NewDsx
                        write CatRec on JobDirPtr, CatId else
                           ErrMsg = "Error: Unable to write to ":JobDir:', ':CatId
                           goto ErrRtn
                        if DebugSw then goto TheEnd
                     case SecondUp = 'DSROUTINES'
                        InRtn = @false
                        * NewDsx := @FM : Line
* -----------------------------------------------------------------
* write out routine
* -----------------------------------------------------------------
                        NewDsxRec = RtnHeaderRec
                        NewDsxRec := @FM : NewDsx
                        NewDsxRec := @FM : 'END DSROUTINES'
                        print 'Routine = ':RoutineName
                        write NewDsxRec on RtnDirPtr, RoutineName:'.dsx' else
                           ErrMsg = "Error: Unable to write to ":RtnDir
                           goto ErrRtn
                        if DebugSw then goto TheEnd
                     case @true
                        NewDsx := @FM : Line
                  end case
               case @true
                  begin case
                     case InHeader
                        HeaderRec := @FM : Line
                        begin case
                           case FirstWord = 'ServerName'
                              ServerName = field(Line, '"', 2)
                              print 'ServerName =':ServerName
                           case FirstWord = 'ToolInstanceID'
                              ProjectName = field(Line, '"', 2)
                              print 'ProjectName =':ProjectName
                           case FirstWord = 'Date'
                              ExportDate = field(Line, '"', 2)
                              convert "-" to "" in ExportDate
                              print 'ExportDate =':ExportDate
                        end case
                     case @true
                        NewDsx := @FM : Line
                        if FirstWord = 'Category' then
                           Category = field(Line, '"', 2)
                           convert "" to "_" in Category
                           print 'Category =':Category
                  end case
            end case
* -----------------------------------------------------------------
         next j
         Ans = 'Double click me'
      end else
         ErrMsg = 'Error: Bad FileName = ':FileName
         goto ErrRtn
      goto TheEnd
* -----------------------------------------------------------------
      print ErrMsg
* -----------------------------------------------------------------
      print Ans

Posted: Thu Apr 06, 2006 8:44 pm
by kduke
It works fine on UNIX. You just have to get the DSX file on the DataStage server. should work without mods in CYGWIN environment...

Posted: Tue Apr 11, 2006 8:00 am
by scboyce
Hi guys. It's been a while. I have since moved on and have not used DataSatage for a few years. I have moved over to the dark side and have been using Informatica Power Center for the last three years.

As I recall, I had both ActivePerl ( and CYGWIN ( installed on my PC at the time I wrote ParseDSX. While I can't specifically remember running ParseDSX on CYGWIN, I surley must have. But, to try to address this latest issue, I was going to try today. But, ha, I don't happen to have a DSX file sitting around for me to play with. If someone wants to send me one, that would be great. You can send it to my personal address

Testing aside, it should work. I did not use any fancy file I/O functions inside the script. Just standard open, print commands. So, at first blush, I would say that there is something odd going on in the CYGWIN environment on that particular machine. Perl is usually pretty good about portability between platforms especially for non O/S specific stuff.

Re: should work without mods in CYGWIN environmen

Posted: Tue Apr 11, 2006 9:07 am
by Cowmix
I unfortunately have not had a ton of time to debug the script but I agree.. at first glance I don't see anything funky going on.

Just for grins I ran the script under FreeBSD 6.0 and the results were similar.. Here is an example of the perms I got for the directories it created:

dr----x--x 2 root wheel 512 Apr 11 08:02 Harvester

Posted: Wed Apr 19, 2006 9:32 am
by jeff_ogletree
For anyone interested in an sqr that performs the cut, consider this a template.

Code: Select all

! dsx_cutter.sqr
#define input_dsx_file '\\rtwpsm01p\ds_upd\patches\4064689_upd625274\UPD625274\ETL_ASCL\ACCT_TYPE_TBL_JOBS.dsx'
#define output_dsx_file_directory '\\rtwpsm01p\ds_upd\patches\4064689_upd625274\'
#define overwrite_dttm 'N'   ! Y to overwrite 
#define generic_header 'N'   ! Y to use neutral header 

do Init
do Read-DSX
close 1

begin-procedure Read-DSX

  do Init-Job-Flags

  while 1 = 1
    read 1 into $x:2500
    !show 'read this >' $x '<'
    if #end-file = 1
    if instr($x, 'END DSJOB', 0) or instr($x, 'END DSSHAREDCONTAINER', 0) or instr($x, 'END DSROUTINES', 0) or instr($x, 'END DSEXECJOB', 0)
      do Load-Line-Into-Array
      do Init-Job-Flags
      let $output_dsx_file = {output_dsx_file_directory} || $DSJOB_Identifier || '.dsx'
      if instr($x, 'END DSEXECJOB', 0)
        let $output_dsx_file = {output_dsx_file_directory} || $DSJOB_Identifier || '_exe.dsx'
      open $output_dsx_file as 2 for-writing record=2500:vary
      if {generic_header} = 'Y'
        do Write-Header
        do Write-DSXHeaderArray
      do dump-DSXJobArray
      clear-array name=DSXJobArray
      close 2

    if instr($x, 'BEGIN DSJOB', 0) or instr($x, 'BEGIN DSSHAREDCONTAINER', 0) or instr($x, 'BEGIN DSEXECJOB', 0)
      add 1 to #DSJOB_Flag
      do Load-Line-Into-Array
      read 1 into $x:200
      let $GCBDQ_Input_String = $x 
      do Get-Content-Between-Double-Quotes
      let $DSJOB_Identifier = $GCBDQ_Output_String
      if instr($x, 'BEGIN DSROUTINES', 0)
        add 1 to #DSJOB_Flag
        do Load-Line-Into-Array
        read 1 into $x:200
        do Load-Line-Into-Array
        read 1 into $x:200
        let $GCBDQ_Input_String = $x 
        do Get-Content-Between-Double-Quotes
        let $DSJOB_Identifier = $GCBDQ_Output_String
    if #DSJOB_Flag
      do Load-Line-Into-Array
      if instr($x, 'BEGIN HEADER', 0)
        do Load-Header-Into-Array
        if instr($x, 'END', 0) 
          show 'Job extracted:  ' $DSJOB_Identifier
          if Not instr($x, 'COMMENT', 0)
            show 'unsupported line >' $x '<'

  !close 2

begin-procedure Load-Line-Into-Array

  if substr(ltrim($x,' '),1,12) = 'DateModified'
    let $OD_Input_String = $x 
    do Overwrite-Date
    let $x = $OD_Output_String
  if substr(ltrim($x,' '),1,12) = 'TimeModified'
    let $OT_Input_String = $x 
    do Overwrite-Time
    let $x = $OT_Output_String

 put $x into DSXJobArray(#DSXJobArray_index)
 add 1 to #DSXJobArray_size
 add 1 to #DSXJobArray_index


begin-procedure Load-Header-Into-Array

  let #DSXHeaderArray_size = 0
  let #DSXHeaderArray_index = 0
  clear-array name=DSXHeaderArray
  while 1 = 1

    if substr(ltrim($x,' '),1,4) = 'Date'
      let $OD_Input_String = $x 
      do Overwrite-Date
      let $x = $OD_Output_String
    if substr(ltrim($x,' '),1,4) = 'Time'
      let $OT_Input_String = $x 
      do Overwrite-Time
      let $x = $OT_Output_String

    put $x into DSXHeaderArray(#DSXHeaderArray_index)
    add 1 to #DSXHeaderArray_size
    add 1 to #DSXHeaderArray_index
    read 1 into $x:200
    !show 'read this >' $x '<'
    if instr($x, 'END HEADER', 0)
      put $x into DSXHeaderArray(#DSXHeaderArray_index)
      add 1 to #DSXHeaderArray_size
      add 1 to #DSXHeaderArray_index


begin-procedure Init-Job-Flags
 let #DSJOB_Flag = 0
 let #DSRECORD_Flag = 0

begin-procedure Get-Content-Between-Double-Quotes
 let #length = length($GCBDQ_Input_String)
 let #offset = instr($GCBDQ_Input_String, '"',0) + 1
 let $GCBDQ_Output_String = substr($GCBDQ_Input_String,#offset,#length - #offset)

begin-procedure Overwrite-Date
 if {overwrite_dttm} = 'Y'
   let #length = length($OD_Input_String)
   let #offset = instr($OD_Input_String, '"',0)
   let $OD_Output_String = substr($OD_Input_String,0,#offset) || '2001-01-01"'
   let $OD_Output_String = $OD_Input_String

begin-procedure Overwrite-Time
 if {overwrite_dttm} = 'Y'
   let #length = length($OT_Input_String)
   let #offset = instr($OT_Input_String, '"',0)
   let $OT_Output_String = substr($OT_Input_String,0,#offset) || '01.00.00"'
   let $OT_Output_String = $OT_Input_String

begin-procedure Init

  !while (1)
  !  input $A status=#stat batch-mode
  !  if #stat = 3
  !    break
  !  else
  !    show 'input >' $A
  !  end-if

  create-array name=DSXJobArray
  let #DSXJobArray_size = 0
  let #DSXJobArray_index = 0
  create-array name=DSXHeaderArray
  let #DSXHeaderArray_size = 0
  let #DSXHeaderArray_index = 0
 open {input_dsx_file} as 1 for-reading record=2500:vary


begin-procedure dump-DSXJobArray
  let #DSXJobArray_index = 0
  while (#DSXJobArray_index < #DSXJobArray_size)
   get $dsjob_wrk from DSXJobArray(#DSXJobArray_index)
   write 2 from $dsjob_wrk
   !show 'DSXJobArray >' $dsjob_wrk '<'
   add 1 to #DSXJobArray_index
  let #DSXJobArray_size = 0
  let #DSXJobArray_index = 0

begin-procedure Write-DSXHeaderArray
  let #DSXHeaderArray_index = 0
  while (#DSXHeaderArray_index < #DSXHeaderArray_size)
   get $dsjob_wrk from DSXHeaderArray(#DSXHeaderArray_index)
   write 2 from $dsjob_wrk
   add 1 to #DSXHeaderArray_index

begin-procedure Write-Header

 write 2 from 'BEGIN HEADER'
 write 2 from '   CharacterSet "ENGLISH"'
 write 2 from '   ExportingTool "Ascential DataStage Export"'
 write 2 from '   ToolVersion "4"'
 write 2 from '   ServerName "server"'
 write 2 from '   ToolInstanceID "projectname"'
 write 2 from '   MDISVersion "1.0"'
 write 2 from '   Date "2001-01-01"'
 write 2 from '   Time "01.00.00"'
 write 2 from '   ServerVersion "7.5"'
 write 2 from 'END HEADER'


Posted: Tue Apr 25, 2006 6:24 pm
by scboyce
Wow. I have duplicated the issue.
I ended up with a directory with a permission of "dr----x--T" and none of the files are visible or exist. No error messages are generated by the script. Working on it...., I'll post resolution once I know more.

Posted: Wed Apr 26, 2006 7:37 am
by scboyce
I have a fix for the bug. It turns out that I improperly used the mkdir function in the script. I was passing 777 for the MODE where I needed to be passing 0777. The bug seemed to only cause issues in the CYGWin environment. The script was working fine under RH Linux, Solaris, HPUX and DOS (ActiveState). So I must have not run it under CYGWin when I originally developed it. It's always what you don't test that will break. Go figure. :shock:

All I did was change the call to MakeDir() and pass 0777 instead of 777 if you have modified your own version.

If you want a copy of the updated master script, here it is...

Code: Select all

# Program:
# Description: See ShowBlurb function below for details
# === Modification History ===================================================
# Date       Author          Comments
# ---------- --------------- -------------------------------------------------
# 07-18-2002 Steve Boyce     Created.
# 08-21-2002 Steve Boyce     Exporting routines now includes binary info.
# 08-28-2002 Steve Boyce     Corrected bug relating to jobs and routines
#                            located in the root folder.  They now get
#                            created in the correct location.
# 08-28-2002 Steve Boyce     Changed default output directory to be the name
#                            of the dsx file being parsed without the
#                            extension.
#                            -s option now works.
# 10-04-2002 Steve Boyce     Eliminated -c option.  That now the default
#                            and only behavior.
#                            Default Parmameter metadata is now stripped out
#                            of all jobs except any jobs that have PROTOTYPE
#                            or Batch:UTIL in the name.
#                            Routines are unaffected.
# 11-12-2002 Steve Boyce     Added Version dipsplay option.
#                            Corrected source code generation bug.
# 02-27-2003 Steve Boyce     Added -x option to strip out ValidationStatus
# 03-21-2003 Steve Boyce     Stripping out ValidationStatus is now default
#                            behavior.
# 04-29-2003 Steve Boyce     Bumped version number
# 04-26-2006 Steve Boyce     Fixed mkdir bug where directories were getting
#                            created with the wrong permissions.  Bug only 
#                            manifested itself when running under CYGWin.

use Getopt::Std;
use File::Basename;
my $version="2.1.01";

sub ShowBlurb
Syntax: -h -l<ListFile> -o<OutputDir> -s -v -y <DSXFile>

Version:     $version

Description: Extracts individual jobs and routines from a DataStage export

Parameters:  <DSXFile> Name of DataStage DSX file to parse.  This file is
                       assumed to be generated from the DataStage export

Options:     -l  job/routine list file. (future enhancement)
                 This file contains a list of jobs and routines to extract
                 from the <DSXFile>.
             -o  Explicitly specify <OutputDir> directory.
                 Default is the name of the parsed dsx file without the
                 extension in the current directory.
             -s  Extract job "Job Control Code" and routine "source"
                 code into "source files".
                 <job>.src and <routine>.src
                 These will appear in the same directory as the generated
                 dsx files in the <OutputDir> directory.
             -v  Display version information.
             -y  Force a "Yes" answer to overwrite existing <OutputDir>
                 directory prompt.
             -h  This help.

Notes:       Job and routine names are case sensitive in DataStage.  Extracted
             jobs and routines are placed in file names constructed based on
             job or routine names.  Running this utility on the Windows
             platform will ignore case and possibly consider some jobs and
             routines duplicates when the UNIX platform will not.
             It is a good practice to not rely on case as a differentiator
             for file names.

sub ShowVersion
print <<ENDOFBLURB; Version $version

sub DieWith
   my ($MessageLine) = @_;
   print "$MessageLine\nType -h for help.\n";
   exit 1;

sub OKToOverWriteOutputDir
   my ($OutPutDirectory, $opt_y) = @_;
   my $RetVal = 0;

   if ( -e $OutPutDirectory ) {
      if ( $opt_y ) {
         print "*** Warning: <OutputDir> directory ($OutPutDirectory) already exists.  Using anyway.\n";
         $RetVal = 1;
      else  {
         print "*** Warning: <OutputDir> directory ($OutPutDirectory) already exists.\n";
         print "Proceed anyway? [y|n] ";
         $Ans = <STDIN>;
         chomp($Ans) if ($Ans);
         if ( "$Ans" eq "Y" || "$Ans" eq "y" ) {
            $RetVal = 1;
         else  {
   else  {
      if ( MakeDir($OutPutDirectory, 0777) ) {
         $RetVal = 1;
      else  {
         DieWith("Error: Could not create ($OutPutDirectory) directory");
   return $RetVal;

sub LoadObjectList
   my ($DSXListFile) = @_;
   my %DSXObjectList = ();

   if ( $DSXListFile ) {
      if (open fhDSXListFile, "<".$DSXListFile) {
         while (<fhDSXListFile>) {
            #-- Push line onto array
            $DSXObjectList{$_} = 1;
         close fhDSXListFile;
      else  {
         DieWith("Error: Can't open $DSXListFile");
      while ( ($key,$value) = each %DSXObjectList ) {
         print "$key=$value\n";
   return %DSXObjectList;

sub MakeDir
   my ($FullDirPath, $Mode) = @_;
   my @DirList = ();
   my $PartialDirPath = "";
   my $RetVal = 1;

   $FullDirPath =~ tr/\\/\//;
   @DirList = split(/\//,$FullDirPath);
   foreach $Directory ( @DirList ) {
      $PartialDirPath = $PartialDirPath . $Directory. "/" ;
      if ( ! (length($PartialDirPath) == 3 && substr($PartialDirPath, 1, 2) eq ":/") ) {
         if ( ! -e $PartialDirPath ) {
            if ( ! mkdir($PartialDirPath, $Mode) ) {
               $RetVal = 0;
   return $RetVal;

sub ParseQuotedString
   my ($InputLine) = @_;
   my $FirstQuotePos = 0;
   my $SecondQuotePos = 0;
   my $Length = 0;

   $FirstQuotePos = index($InputLine, '"');
   $SecondQuotePos = index($InputLine, '"', $FirstQuotePos+1);
   $Length = $SecondQuotePos - $FirstQuotePos;

   return substr($InputLine, $FirstQuotePos + 1, $Length - 1);

sub MakeDuplicateName
   my ($OriginalName) = @_;
   my $NewName = "";
   my $DupSuffix = 1;

   $NewName = $OriginalName . "_dup" . "$DupSuffix";
   while ( -e $NewName ) {
      if ( $DupSuffix > 99 ) {
         DieWith("Error: There seems to be more than 99 duplicate jobs or routines.\n");
      $DupSuffix += 1;
      $NewName = $OriginalName . "_dup" . "$DupSuffix";
   return $NewName;

sub WriteDSXHeader
   my ($fhOutputFile) = @_;

   print $fhOutputFile "BEGIN HEADER\n";
   print $fhOutputFile "   CharacterSet \"ENGLISH\"\n";
   print $fhOutputFile "   ExportingTool \"Ardent DataStage Export\"\n";
   print $fhOutputFile "   ToolVersion \"3\"\n";
   print $fhOutputFile "   ServerName \"$cStandardServerName\"\n";
   print $fhOutputFile "   ToolInstanceID \"$cStandardToolInstanceID\"\n";
   print $fhOutputFile "   MDISVersion \"1.0\"\n";
   print $fhOutputFile "   Date \"$cStandardDate\"\n";
   print $fhOutputFile "   Time \"$cStandardTime\"\n";
   print $fhOutputFile "END HEADER\n";

sub WriteDSXObjectFile
   my ($ObjectType, $tmpDSXObjectHolder, $OutPutDirectory, $DSXObjectName, $DSXCategoryName) = @_;
   my $x = 0;
   my $TranslatedDSXObjectName = "";
   my $TranslatedCategorytName = "";
   my $OutputFileName = "";
   my $OutputLine = "";
   my $WriteLine = 1;

   $TranslatedDSXObjectName = $DSXObjectName;
   $TranslatedDSXObjectName =~ tr/:/_/;
   $TranslatedDSXObjectName =~ tr/ /_/;

   if ($ObjectType eq "JOB") {
      $OutPutDirectory = $OutPutDirectory . "/jobs";
      if ( ! -e $OutPutDirectory ) {
         if ( ! MakeDir($OutPutDirectory, 0777) ) {
            DieWith("Error: Could not create directory: $OutPutDirectory");
   else  {
      $OutPutDirectory = $OutPutDirectory . "/routines";
      if ( ! -e $OutPutDirectory ) {
         if ( ! MakeDir($OutPutDirectory, 0777) ) {
            DieWith("Error: Could not create directory: $OutPutDirectory");

   if ($DSXCategoryName) {
      $TranslatedCategoryName = $DSXCategoryName;
      $TranslatedCategoryName =~ tr/ /_/;
      $TranslatedCategoryName =~ tr/\\/\//s;

      $OutPutDirectory = $OutPutDirectory . "/" . $TranslatedCategoryName;
      if ( ! -e $OutPutDirectory ) {
         if ( ! MakeDir($OutPutDirectory, 0777) ) {
            DieWith("Error: Could not create directory: $OutPutDirectory");
   $OutputFileName = $OutPutDirectory . "/" . $TranslatedDSXObjectName . ".dsx";

   print "Writing File: $OutputFileName...\n";

   if ( -e $OutputFileName ) {
      print "*** WARNING: Job/Routine output DSX file ($OutputFileName) already exists.  Creating duplicate.\n";
      $OutputFileName = MakeDuplicateName($OutputFileName);

   if (open (fhOutputFile, ">$OutputFileName")) {
      if ($ObjectType eq "ROUTINE") {
         print fhOutputFile "BEGIN DSROUTINES\n";
      while ( $$tmpDSXObjectHolder[$x] ) {
         $OutputLine = $$tmpDSXObjectHolder[$x];
         $WriteLine = 1;
         #-- Filter ValidationStatus metadata out
         #-- This metadata seems to be intermitent with no value added.
         if ($OutputLine =~ /^.*ValidationStatus /) {
            $WriteLine = 0;
         if ($WriteLine) {
            #-- Normalize dates and times
            if ($OutputLine =~ /^ {3,6}DateModified /) {
               $OutputLine =~ s/\".{10}\"/\"$cStandardDate\"/;
            else  {
               if ($OutputLine =~ /^ {3,6}TimeModified /) {
                  $OutputLine =~ s/\".{8}\"/\"$cStandardTime\"/;
            #-- Send the line to the output file
            print fhOutputFile "$OutputLine";
         $x = $x + 1;
      if ($ObjectType eq "ROUTINE") {
         print fhOutputFile "END DSROUTINES\n";
      close fhOutputFile;

sub WriteDSXSourceFile
   my ($ObjectType, $tmpDSXObjectSourceHolder, $OutPutDirectory, $DSXObjectName, $DSXCategoryName) = @_;
   my $x = 0;
   my $TranslatedDSXSourceName = "";
   my $TranslatedCategorytName = "";
   my $OutputFileName = "";
   my $OutputLine = "";

   $TranslatedDSXSourceName = $DSXObjectName;
   $TranslatedDSXSourceName =~ tr/:/_/;
   $TranslatedDSXSourceName =~ tr/ /_/;

   if ($ObjectType eq "JOB") {
      $OutPutDirectory = $OutPutDirectory . "/jobs";
      $SourceKeyword = "JobControlCode";
   else  {
      $OutPutDirectory = $OutPutDirectory . "/routines";
      $SourceKeyword = "Source";

   if ($DSXCategoryName) {
      $TranslatedCategoryName = $DSXCategoryName;
      $TranslatedCategoryName =~ tr/ /_/;
      $TranslatedCategoryName =~ tr/\\/\//s;

      $OutPutDirectory = $OutPutDirectory . "/" . $TranslatedCategoryName;
   $OutputFileName = $OutPutDirectory . "/" . $TranslatedDSXSourceName . ".src";

   if ( -e $OutputFileName ) {
      $OutputFileName = MakeDuplicateName($OutputFileName);

   #-- Convert single line encoded source code to properly formated code
   #-- Chop off trailing 6 spaces after every CR-LF (really leading 6 spaces)

   #-- Convert "symbolic CR-LF to real CR-LF
   $tmpDSXObjectSourceHolder =~ s/\\\(D\)\\\(A\)/\n/g;

   #-- Chop off leading keyword - either Source " or JobControlCode "
   $tmpDSXObjectSourceHolder =~ s/^ *$SourceKeyword "//;

   #-- Chop off trailing quote
   $tmpDSXObjectSourceHolder =~ s/\" *$//;

   #-- Replace all \" with "
   $tmpDSXObjectSourceHolder =~ s/\\\"/\"/g;

   #-- replace all \\ with \
   $tmpDSXObjectSourceHolder =~ s/\\\\/\\/g;

   if (open (fhOutputFile, ">$OutputFileName")) {
      print fhOutputFile $tmpDSXObjectSourceHolder;
      close fhOutputFile;

sub OKToStripDefaultValue
   my ($DSXObjectName, $DSParameterName) = @_;
   my $RetVal = 0;

   if (! ($DSXObjectName =~ /Batch::UTIL/) ) {
      if (! ($DSXObjectName =~ /PROTOTYPE/) ) {
         if (! ($DSParameterName eq "JobName" or $DSParameterName eq "PartitionNumber" or $DSParameterName eq "PartitionCount" ) ) {
            $RetVal = 1;
   return $RetVal

sub ParseDSXObjects
   my ($DSXFileName, $Greppize, $OutPutDirectory, $DSXObjectList) = @_;
   my @tmpDSXObjectHolder = ();
   my $tmpDSXObjectSourceHolder = "";
   my $DSXObjectName = "";
   my $DSXCategoryName = "";
   my $InDSJobBlock = 0;;
   my $InDSRoutineBlock = 0;
   my $InDSRecordBlock = 0;
   my $InDSSubRecordBlock = 0;
   my $InDSUBinaryBlock = 0;
   my $DSParameterName = "";

   if (open fhDSXFileName, "<".$DSXFileName) {
      while (<fhDSXFileName>) {
         if ($InDSJobBlock) {
            push(@tmpDSXObjectHolder, $_);
            if ($_ =~ /^END DSJOB/) {
               $InDSJobBlock = 0;
               WriteDSXObjectFile("JOB", \@tmpDSXObjectHolder, $OutPutDirectory,
                                  $DSXObjectName, $DSXCategoryName);
               if ( $tmpDSXObjectSourceHolder ) {
                  WriteDSXSourceFile("JOB", $tmpDSXObjectSourceHolder, $OutPutDirectory,
                                     $DSXObjectName, $DSXCategoryName);
            else  {
               if ($InDSRecordBlock) {
                  if ($_ =~ /^   END DSRECORD/) {
                     $InDSRecordBlock = 0;
                  else {
                     if ($InDSSubRecordBlock) {
                        if ($_ =~ /^      END DSSUBRECORD/) {
                           $InDSSubRecordBlock = 0;
                        else {
                           if ($_ =~ /^         Name/) {
                              $DSParameterName = ParseQuotedString($_);
                           if ($_ =~ /^         Default/) {
                              if (OKToStripDefaultValue($DSXObjectName, $DSParameterName)) {
                     else {
                        if ($_ =~ /^      BEGIN DSSUBRECORD/) {
                           $InDSSubRecordBlock = 1;
                        else  {
                           if ($_ =~ /^      Category /) {
                              $DSXCategoryName = ParseQuotedString($_);
                           if ($Greppize) {
                              if ($_ =~ /^      JobControlCode /) {
                                 $tmpDSXObjectSourceHolder = $_;
               else  {
                  if ($_ =~ /^   BEGIN DSRECORD/) {
                     $InDSRecordBlock = 1;
                  else  {
                     if ($_ =~ /^   Identifier /) {
                        $DSXObjectName = ParseQuotedString($_);
         else {
            if ($InDSRoutineBlock) {
               if ($_ =~ /^END DSROUTINES/) {
                  $InDSRoutineBlock = 0;
               else  {
                  if ($InDSRecordBlock) {
                     push(@tmpDSXObjectHolder, $_);
                     if ($_ =~ /^   END DSRECORD/) {
                        $InDSRecordBlock = 0;
                     else  {
                        if ($_ =~ /^      Identifier /) {
                           $DSXObjectName = ParseQuotedString($_);
                        else  {
                           if ($_ =~ /^      Category /) {
                              $DSXCategoryName = ParseQuotedString($_);
                           if ($Greppize) {
                              if ($_ =~ /^      Source /) {
                                 $tmpDSXObjectSourceHolder = $_;
                  else  {
                     if ($InDSUBinaryBlock) {
                        push(@tmpDSXObjectHolder, $_);
                        if ($_ =~ /^   END DSUBINARY/) {
                           $InDSUBinaryBlock = 0;
                           WriteDSXObjectFile("ROUTINE", \@tmpDSXObjectHolder, $OutPutDirectory,
                                              $DSXObjectName, $DSXCategoryName);
                           if ( $tmpDSXObjectSourceHolder ) {
                              WriteDSXSourceFile("ROUTINE", $tmpDSXObjectSourceHolder, $OutPutDirectory,
                                                 $DSXObjectName, $DSXCategoryName);
                        else  {
                           if ($_ =~ /^      COMMENT Record is empty/) {
                              print "*** WARNING: Routine ($DSXObjectName) is missing compiled executable.\n";
                     else  {
                        if ($_ =~ /^   BEGIN DSRECORD/) {
                           $InDSRecordBlock = 1;
                           @tmpDSXObjectHolder = ();
                           push(@tmpDSXObjectHolder, $_);
                           $tmpDSXObjectSourceHolder = "";
                           $DSXCategoryName = "";
                        else  {
                           if ($_ =~ /^   BEGIN DSUBINARY/) {
                              $InDSUBinaryBlock = 1;
                              push(@tmpDSXObjectHolder, $_);
            else  {
               if ($_ =~ /^BEGIN DSJOB/) {
                  $InDSJobBlock = 1;
                  @tmpDSXObjectHolder = ();
                  push(@tmpDSXObjectHolder, $_);
                  $tmpDSXObjectSourceHolder = "";
                  $DSXCategoryName = "";
               else  {
                  if ($_ =~ /^BEGIN DSROUTINES/) {
                     $InDSRoutineBlock = 1;
      close (fhDSXFileName);

# Main

#-- Global variables (constants)
$cStandardDate = "2001-01-01";
$cStandardTime = "01.00.00";
$cStandardServerName = "ServerName";
$cStandardToolInstanceID = "ToolInstanceID";

#-- Local variables
my %DSXObjectList = ();
my $NumArgs = 0;
my $DSXFileName = "";
my $OutPutDirectory = "";
my $Ans = "";

if (getopts('hl:o:svy')) {
   if ( $opt_h ) {
      exit 2;
   if ( $opt_v ) {
      exit 2;
   $NumArgs = scalar(@ARGV);
   if ( $NumArgs == 1 ) {
      $DSXFileName = $ARGV[0];
      if ( -r $DSXFileName ) {
         if ( $opt_o ) {
            $OutPutDirectory = $opt_o;
         else  {
            $OutPutDirectory = basename($DSXFileName, ".dsx");
         if ( OKToOverWriteOutputDir($OutPutDirectory, $opt_y) ) {
            %DSXObjectList = LoadObjectList($opt_l);
            ParseDSXObjects($DSXFileName, $opt_s, $OutPutDirectory, \@DSXObjectList);
      else  {
         DieWith("Error: Unable to read file ($DSXFileName).");
   else  {
      DieWith("Error: Invalid filespec.");
else  {
   DieWith("Error: Invalid options.");

This worked great!

Posted: Thu May 11, 2006 11:38 am
by Cowmix
I tried the new version.. and it worked great.. thanks!

I was wondering why the script doesn't handle other object like shared containers, table definitions, stuff like that?


Re: This worked great!

Posted: Thu May 11, 2006 11:49 am
by kcbland
Cowmix wrote:I was wondering why the script doesn't handle other object like shared containers, table definitions, stuff like that?
Because that's how I had him write it. Table definitions are completely recreatable and DS is not the system of record. MetaStage, ERWin, etc is the place for that.

Feel free to enhance it and share! :D

Re: This worked great!

Posted: Thu May 11, 2006 12:01 pm
by Cowmix
If anyone else sees the merits of having shared containers 'cut out' too.. I'll gladly give it shot.

Re: I need a DSX-Cutter

Posted: Wed Apr 04, 2007 9:07 am
by mctny
Hi all,

so does this DSX cutter work for version 7.1, i.e., jobs designed with DS version 7.1 server edition and exported into a dsx file?