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Posted: Mon Nov 22, 2004 10:03 am
by tonystark622
OK. I looked at the bat file in the It uses dsjob to get a list of projects to back up. I don't have dsjob loaded on my PC. I assume that is because I only have the DataStage client loaded on my PC, not the DataStage Server.

So is the best solution to 1) get a list of projects to backup another way, possibly just hard coding them? If so, how might I do this without dsjob? Or 2) load the DataStage Windows server on my PC? or 3) Something else?

Thanks for your help,

Posted: Mon Nov 22, 2004 10:18 am
by chulett
Forgot about that little conundrum. :wink: From the header of the file:

Code: Select all

:: Required Components:
::     dsjob.exe (Windows Version)
::     (also requires vmdsapi.dll)
::     Advised to place both files under Windows System directory.
From what I recall, I took the 'dsjob' executable and the dll from the Client cdrom we had. :? I also seem to remember that they include it automatically nowadays when installing the 7.5 client.

What exact version do you have, Tony?

Posted: Mon Nov 22, 2004 11:37 am
by tonystark622
I have version 7.1.0 for now. We're gonna be upgrading to 7.5 soon. I hope :)


Posted: Fri Nov 26, 2004 8:16 am
by dickspaans

Looks good this DataStageBackup.
Next question: this batch-file uses a dsjob.exe (Windows Version) command and requires a vmdsapi.dll.
Can anyone deliver it to me?

thanks already,

Dick Spaans

Posted: Fri Nov 26, 2004 10:08 am
by tonystark622

You can extract them from the file in the DataStage Windows Server install. I downloaded a InstallShield CAB file extractor utility and used it to extractthese files from the file.

You need to put these in the same directory as the dscmdexport.exe. FYI, you also require the DSRPC32.dll and DSCLNT32.dll files, but they're present in the directory with rest of the DataStage software...

Good Luck,

Posted: Fri Dec 24, 2004 3:07 am
by dickspaans
Hi there,

As I said: the DSX-cutter works fine. Now I want to extend it for Shared Containers. Does anybody has this Perl-script which is also applicable for shared containers?

thanks already, Dick Spaans

Job executables

Posted: Fri May 27, 2005 1:11 am
by dickspaans
We are very :D about the ParseDSX and use it for the integration of Datastage and CCC Harvest (version control).
When we promote a package containing Datastage-components to a next stage (e.g. test) and want to import these components (jobs) into the test-environment, we face some problems.
Importing the whole project-file is of course no problem, but importing jobs will fail :cry: , because the job-file lacks the job executable.
How do I achieve that the job-export file does not only contain the job, but also the job-executable :?: What do I have to change in the DSX-cutter :?:

Posted: Fri May 27, 2005 6:36 am
by chulett
:?: Why not use the Version Control utility that comes with DataStage to do the actual promotion in addition to what you are doing with CCC Harvest? Save you all those export/import hassles and will compile jobs in the project they are promoted to, along with marking the jobs Read Only outside of development. Can do dependencies checks, etc etc. Better all around. IMHO.

Re: Job executables

Posted: Fri May 27, 2005 7:36 am
by kcbland
dickspaans wrote:What do I have to change in the DSX-cutter :?:
Steve posted the program to share with the global community. If you would like it customized, you can send an email to Steve. The reason we didn't put executables into the cutter is because sometimes you lose synchronisity between source code and executable. You can always mass-compile (we have a faster program than the Manager wizard, had it for years, that even does routines) after import. I don't know what your failure issue is on import, as executables are not required.

Posted: Fri May 27, 2005 7:49 am
by ray.wurlod
How do I achieve that the job-export file does not only contain the job, but also the job-executable ?
Look about half way down the Export page. There is a selection check box for job executables.

Re: I need a DSX-Cutter

Posted: Tue Apr 04, 2006 10:06 am
by Cowmix
I just tried the script under Centos4.3 (RHEL) - Perl 5.8.5 and Cygwin - Perl 5.8.7 and here is what I get as the output under both platforms:

Code: Select all

mmarch@joberh0206 ~/DSXplay
$ ls -al
total 72
drwxr-xr-x+ 3 mmarch Users        0 Apr  4 08:49 .
drwx------+ 5 mmarch ????????     0 Apr  4 08:21 ..
-rwxrwxrwx  1 mmarch Users    19676 Apr  4 08:21
dr----x--t+ 2 mmarch Users        0 Apr  4 08:49 DF_FormatMsg
-rwxrwxrwx  1 mmarch Users    27433 Apr  4 08:21 DF_FormatMsg.dsx
-rwxrwxrwx  1 mmarch Users    21259 Apr  4 08:21
You'll notice that the permissions on the directory created are weird.. in fact I can't 'cd' into it until I do a 'chown'.. The contents of the directory is empty also..

My Perl foo is pretty weak.. so I tried the script on two different platforms before I harassed this forum.


Posted: Tue Apr 04, 2006 11:05 am
by kcbland
Post your command line syntax. Did you specify the output directory?

Posted: Tue Apr 04, 2006 11:07 am
by Cowmix
No.. just the command and the dsx file name.

Code: Select all

$ ls  DF_FormatMsg.dsx

mmarch@joberh0206 ~/DSXplay
$ ./ DF_FormatMsg.dsx

mmarch@joberh0206 ~/DSXplay
$ ls  DF_FormatMsg  DF_FormatMsg.dsx

mmarch@joberh0206 ~/DSXplay
$ cd DF_FormatMsg
bash: cd: DF_FormatMsg: Permission denied

mmarch@joberh0206 ~/DSXplay
$ chmod a+rwx DF_FormatMsg

mmarch@joberh0206 ~/DSXplay
$ cd DF_FormatMsg

mmarch@joberh0206 ~/DSXplay/DF_FormatMsg
$ ls

mmarch@joberh0206 ~/DSXplay/DF_FormatMsg

Posted: Tue Apr 04, 2006 11:13 am
by kcbland
Use the correct syntax:

Code: Select all

Syntax: -h -l<ListFile> -o<OutputDir> -s -v -y <DSXFile> 
and put some jobs into the .dsx file. I'm assuming you've just got a function.

Posted: Thu Apr 06, 2006 12:02 pm
by Cowmix
Ok.. I had the boys in the lab give me a 176MB DSX file to play with. This time the script dumped a bunch of stuff to the console as it parsed the file.. here is a snippet of that:

Code: Select all

 ../ -o DUMP2 -s Project.dsx 
Writing File: DUMP2/jobs/Fbob_Jobs/Test01.dsx...
Writing File: DUMP2/jobs/Jim_Jobs/test1.dsx...
Writing File: DUMP2/jobs/Jim_Jobs/test2.dsx...
Writing File: DUMP2/jobs/Jim_Jobs/test3.dsx...
and here is an list of the root after that..

Code: Select all

mmarch@joberh0206 ~/BigDSX
$ ls -al                                 
total 172525
drwxr-xr-x+ 5 mmarch Users            0 Apr  6 10:46 .
drwx------+ 6 mmarch ????????         0 Apr  6 09:02 ..
dr----x--t+ 3 mmarch Users            0 Apr  6 10:46 DUMP2
dr----x--t+ 3 mmarch Users            0 Apr  6 10:45 Dump
.. notice the perms on the two output directories..

Code: Select all

drwxrwxrwt+ 2 mmarch Users            0 Apr  6 09:22 Project
-rwxrwxrwx  1 mmarch Users    176662805 Apr  6 08:53 Project.dsx
-rwxrwxrwx  1 mmarch Users          160 Apr  6 08:53 Project2006_04_06_08_26_00.log

mmarch@joberh0206 ~/BigDSX
$ find . 
find: ./Dump: Permission denied
find: ./DUMP2: Permission denied

mmarch@joberh0206 ~/BigDSX
$ chmod -R a+rwx DUMP2/

mmarch@joberh0206 ~/BigDSX
$ find DUMP2/

..notice.. the DSX files that the script said would be there.. were not ..

This happens on RHEL and Cygwin.