Error while exporting the entire projects

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Error while exporting the entire projects

Post by Umeshkn1704 »

Hi Team,
Im trying to create an isx file by exporting all the jobs in a particular prj but it says Export Failed.
DS - Version -
OS - Linux

Im in the path - /opt/IBM/InformationServer/Clients/istools/cli
and trying to execute the command -

./istool export -domain sssss:9080 -username xxxx -password sxxxxx -archive "/tmp/testexport.isx" -datastage '-incexec -base="sssss/proj_V1/Jobs/*/*.*"'

After execution of this cmd - the end result is
Beginning Export
Elapsed Time: 00:00:00
Exported 0 assets
Export Failed

Under the project - proj_VI we have a folder called JObs (Default folder) and many other folder like Test1, Test2... and each folders have several jobs under them.

My object is to export all the jobs from proj_VI to an isx file but having issues while exporting. Request your help in fixing the issue.
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Post by qt_ky »

Here is the syntax that works for me on UNIX. One difference is no double quotes. Include full paths wherever possible. export -dom domain -authfile auth_file -archive file.isx -ds 'server/project/*/*.*'
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Post by PaulVL »

FYI: Don't drop it to /tmp as you may fill it up and crash your OS.

Project name, and folder names are case sensitive I believe.
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Re: Error while exporting the entire projects

Post by rkashyap »

Syntax of "base" needs to be tweaked. Try

Code: Select all

./istool export -domain sssss:9080 -username xxxx -password sxxxxx -archive "/tmp/testexport.isx" -datastage '-incexec -base "sssss/proj_V1" Jobs/*/*.*'
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Still errors out

Post by Umeshkn1704 »

I tried the syntax that was mentioned above by qt_ky but it failed again.

It errored out with a msg -
Beginning Export
Export Failed: Unable to get exportable assets
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Re: Error while exporting the entire projects

Post by Umeshkn1704 »

Hello rkashyap,
Thanks for the reply. I tried the syntax that you gave and ti still errors out with the msg

Beginning Export
Export Failed: Unable to get exportable assets.

I feel, the issue is with the way we are giving the folder names. Our project has several folder and it inturn has sub folder and these subfolders has the jobs.

Thanks in advance
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Post by qt_ky »

I would suggest trying to get the full project export working before experimenting with the base option. The syntax I gave works on my servers, so the syntax is good but there may be a problem with your project (try it on other projects), or the project may be empty of exportable assets (or maybe you don't have access to that project?) or possibly you had some typo in the command, perhaps in the final option.
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Re: Error while exporting the entire projects

Post by rkashyap »

Umeshkn1704 wrote:I feel, the issue is with the way we are giving the folder names. Our project has several folder and it inturn has sub folder and these subfolders has the jobs
It is possible that path of the jobs in the command may need to be tweaked. Also see this post for code samples with base option.

As qt_ky has mentioned, it will be a good idea to get export of whole project working (provided it is of manageable size).
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Still Erroring out

Post by Umeshkn1704 »

Hi qt_ky and rkashyap,
Thanks for the replies. I tried exporting all the jobs as mentioned and also tried a different project as well, but no luck.
Below is the syntax -

./istool export -domain server:9080 -username dsadmn -password pass
-archive "/tmp/testexport.isx" -datastage "server/ANALYZERPROJECT/*/*.*"

Beginning Export
Export failed: Unable to get exportable assets.

Tried with single quotes as well.

./istool export -domain server:9080 -username dsadmin -password pass -archive "/tmp/testexport.isx" -datastage 'server/ANALYZERPROJECT/*/*.*'

Beginning Export
Export failed: Unable to get exportable assets.
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Issue with wildcard when we are entering as path of the jobs

Post by Umeshkn1704 »

When the entire path the jobs it works fine... Please see below
[dsadmin@server cli]$ ./istool export -domain server:9080 -username dsadmin -password pass -archive "/tmp/testexport.isx" -datastage '-incexec - "server/projv1" /Jobs/Folder1/BT_Wrk/*.pjb'
Beginning Export
[1/4] server/projv1/Jobs/Folder1/BT_Wrk/CopyOfCopyOfCopyOfCopyOfpxCMJ_GL_IN_010.pjb
[2/4] server/projv1/Jobs/Folder1/BT_Wrk/CopyOfCopyOfpxCMJ_GL_IN_010.pjb
[3/4] server/projv1/Jobs/Folder1/BT_Wrk/pxDental_Xml_IN_010_HRG.pjb
[4/4] server/projv1/Jobs/Folder1/BT_Wrk/pxDental_Xml_XFM_030_2011100.pjb
Elapsed time: 00:00:03
Exported 4 assets
When the enter wildcard in the path it errors out. I just replaced BT_Wrk folder with wildcard.. Please see below

./istool export -domain server:9080 -username dsadmin -password pass -archive "/tmp/testexport.isx" -datastage '-incexec -base="server/projv1" /Jobs/Folder1/*/*.pjb'
Beginning Export
Export failed: Unable to get exportable assets.
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Post by PaulVL »

Do you have any folder names with spaces or special characters???

Like a double/single quote or semi colon?
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Post by Umeshkn1704 »

PaulVL wrote:Do you have any folder names with spaces or special characters???

Like a double/single quote or semi colon?

Hi Paul,
yes, the folder names has spaces and underscore. Is that causing the issue? Can you please let me know how to fix it.

Thanks in advance
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Post by PaulVL »

try to export one of those assets that has a space or quote in the fully qualified path/file.

Just that one job.
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Post by Umeshkn1704 »

Hi Paul,
When I give the entire path and the *.pjb it works fine. It doesnt work if I wild card entry in folder path or *.* while exporting all the design elements.

Not really sure what it is causing issues.

Thanks in advance,
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Post by PaulVL »

So you specifically did an extract of one of those entries that had a special character in the path/filename and it worked?
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