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Multiple users

Posted: Fri Nov 11, 2005 7:29 pm
by trainee9999
Hi All,

I have seen that the logical database that we create to store the metadata in ProfileStage are tightly associated with the repository user name.

I needed to understand how is it possible for multiple users (different users) to connect to the same profiling repository.Also,

Can any please tell me if it is possible to package the profiling jobs to run in a different system or to do a batch run on the same system.
Any help / direction is highly appreciated.

Thanks in Advance,
Arvind Chenna (Ac)

Re: Multiple users

Posted: Tue Nov 15, 2005 7:41 pm
I needed to understand how is it possible for multiple users (different users) to connect to the same profiling repository.

If you're using Windows, use active directory to create a security group. Lump all users into that security group, and then add that security group to your SQL Server and presto! Just add users.... :wink:

You could do the same in Unix - setup a security group on the server, add users, tie to the database (UDB or Oracle), etc.

Can any please tell me if it is possible to package the profiling jobs to run in a different system or to do a batch run on the same system.

Have you looked into creating packages? You can setup an analysis, and rather than running it from the GUI, create a package to run later. Then once the package is created, use a scheduling tool to trigger it. You'd have to experiment a little with the proper command-line verbiage (tail the log file as you kick off a package via the GUI to see it).