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Viewing sample data after columns Analysis

Posted: Wed Aug 17, 2005 12:36 pm
by als110
I have done column analysis on a table and when i veiw the results I attempt to view sample data i get the following error. Failed to Populate sample data. Under Connection Manager for the given source I have set up the browse option for the source, and the only option I have is to use the Repository connection so that is what I did. I tested the boswse connection and it works, however when I got to veiw sample data that does not work. Any Suggestions??

Re: Viewing sample data after columns Analysis

Posted: Thu Aug 18, 2005 1:20 am
by tcj
als110 wrote:I have done column analysis on a table and when i veiw the results I attempt to view sample data i get the following error. Failed to Populate sample data. Under Connection Manager for the given source I have set up the browse option for the source, and the only option I have is to use the Repository connection so that is what I did. I tested the boswse connection and it works, however when I got to veiw sample data that does not work. Any Suggestions??
We have the same problem at my current work site.

Someone rang up support and was told that it was something to do with the profilestage client being run on a windows XP machine.

We get the failed to populate sample data error yet can still analysis tables. Go figure.

Anyone else had this problem on XP?


Re: Viewing sample data after columns Analysis

Posted: Fri Aug 19, 2005 11:18 am
by AsAmar
We have the same exact problem at our work. Our db is sql server and the anlysis/message server 2003. It may not be an XP problem, since we get the same error when checking from the server (2003). The other erro messag we get is that the data sample creation is in progress, please try again later (sounds like a phone message when you call a telephome company). One other problem we have is that when we try table analysis on around 275 columns we get error message: halted due to problems.
We just upgraded to the new 7.5.1 version of PS and now this is the funniest thing.. For some reason PS thinks that the database is Oracle...

Has anyone run into these problems ?